Kalispell police
Kalispell police arrested a a 56-year-old man on East Idaho Street on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without insurance, and driving on a suspended license.
A dirt bike and a four-wheeler were racing down Second Street West.
A man selling pizza coupons went to the door of a Third Avenue West home. Thinking he was running a scam, the man who lived there called police while his wife chewed the salesman out. Officers arrived and determined the enterprise was legitimate.
Officers told a man, who had been drinking, his best course of action was to leave a Third Avenue West residence when he was told to.
A panhandler, who had been drinking, got mouthy with a person on Main Street.
A man spotted a bear on the porch of his Seventh Street West Home. When he made noise on the window to scare it away, the bear sauntered into the back yard.
A logging truck lost three logs while navigating the underpass on East Idaho Street.
Construction noise prompted a resident on Two Mile Drive to complain.
A man refused to leave the lobby of a hotel on North Main Street. Officers arrived and gave him a ride to a restaurant on East Idaho Street.
A woman in a store on North Meridian Road was described to police as "very high."