Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Road panel searches for solutions

by MICHAEL RICHESON/Daily Inter Lake
| April 12, 2008 1:00 AM

Flathead County's short-term solution to dusty roads doesn't include paving. Instead, the county's road advisory committee suggests better gravel roads.

"This is something we could start tomorrow," committee member Dan Siderius said. "Let's change what we can with the money we have now."

The theme of Thursday's meeting was "make do with what we've got." Flathead County doesn't have the funding to pave even a fraction of its 700 miles of gravel roads. The Road Department's budget will have to be scrutinized and reorganized to get the most out of every dollar, committee members agreed.

An action plan to fix the county's dust issues is high on the priority list. Complaints about hazy skies, unsafe driving conditions and health problems because of the dust grow in number and intensity every year.

One possible solution would change the kind of gravel the county places on its roads. Currently, the county uses gravel that would be acceptable if asphalt were going over it. A gravel mix that includes clay, such as the surfacing used on Forest Service roads, could greatly reduce the amount of dust.

"You can't use gravel used for pavement on gravel roads," committee member Dave Hilde said. "A lot of the dust problems can be eliminated if you use gravel made for gravel roads. With the type of gravel we have now, you'll never get rid of the dust problems."

The committee discussed numerous solutions to the road problems, including:

. Stopping overlay paving and using the money to improve gravel roads.

. Creating a quality-control program for the road department that would recommend standards for maintenance and operating procedures.

. Using stabilization mixtures such as calcium chloride or magnesium chloride on gravel roads.

. Taking a more aggressive approach to dust abatement. For the cost of paving one mile of road, the county could treat more than 50 miles of gravel roads to reduce dust.

. Instructing workers on better grading techniques.

. Increasing supervision of road maintenance work.

Reporter Michael Richeson may be reached at 758-4459 or by e-mail at