Wednesday, December 18, 2024

December 15, 2008

| December 15, 2008 1:00 AM

3 Flathead Food Bank will deliver senior commodities to outlying communities today; and to Kalispell residents on Tuesday, Dec. 16.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Benefis Bariatric Institute in Great Falls presentation on weight loss surgery, 5-9 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Free. No RSVP necessary. Call Karen Ogden for details at 406-455-5463.

3 Fair-Mont-Egan School board meets at 7 p.m.


Flathead Food Bank will deliver senior commodities to Kalispell clients today due to the holiday season.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 3-7 p.m., Lakeside Community Chapel. Sponsored by Tamarack Grill.

3 Flathead Municipal Airport Authority meets at 4 p.m., Glacier Park International Airport board room.

3 Kila School board meets 5:15 p.m.

3 School District 5 and Flathead County High School district board meets at 5:15 p.m., Kalispell Middle School Media Center.

3 Free BodyTalk lecture on sports performance and injury, 5:30-7:15 p.m., BodyTalk Center, 211 Central Ave., Whitefish. Public welcome.

3 Somers School board Building Needs Funding work session, 6 p.m., Somers Middle School.

3 Marion School board meets at 6 p.m.


3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Dr. Wallace Wilder talks about "Keeping Our Kids Healthy." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 Red Cross blood drives today, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. U.S. Forest Service offices.

3 Flathead Valley Business and Professional Women meet noon to 1 p.m., Fireside Room, Red Lion Hotel, Kalispell. Ming Lovejoy will speak about health dangers of electronic technologies. Guests welcome. Lunch available for $13. RSVP to Shelley Loutherback, 755-4884.

3 Public invited to view and discuss plans for new low-income senior living complex in Polson, 2 p.m., Polson City Library. Refreshments served.

3 Lakeside County Water and Sewer district board meets 2 p.m., district meeting room, 253 Bierney Creek Road, Lakeside.

3 Whitefish Chamber of Commerce Gone Fishin' 5-7 p.m. at Mountain West Bank. Refreshments. Call 862-3501.

3 FVCC's Multicultural Affairs program kicks off a new series, "A Preview of Chinese Culture" with Fulbright Scholar in Residence Eric Ruichend Pei, 6-7:30 p.m. Blake Hall Board Room. Free. Public welcome. Call 756-3945.

3 Prostate cancer support group for men meets 6:30-8 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Call Bob, 752-0088.

3 Olduvai Forum meets 7 p.m., Clementine's, 265 Bridge St., Bigfork. The film, "Global Gardener, Permaculture with Bill Mollison" shown. Coffee and tea provided. Donations appreciated. All welcome. Call Jeffrey Funk, 837-4208.


3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 11:30 a.m., Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 Flathead Suicide Prevention Coalition meets noon to 1 p.m., Flathead City-County Health Department conference room, Kalispell. Call Joan Schmidt, 871-1008.

3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Libby VFW.

3 Children's Christmas at Conrad Mansion, 3-7 p.m. Pictures with Santa by Karen Weyer. Proceeds benefit mansion. Cost $10 children; $3 adults. Call 755-2166 to reserve a time.

3 Table tennis demonstration by national tournament level players against a professional table tennis robot, 4 p.m., The Wave gym, Whitefish. Free. Public invited.

3 Polson Chamber of Commerce Splash social 5-7 p.m., Lake County Leader, Polson. Open to public.


3 Red Cross blood drive, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Flathead City-County Health Department, Kalispell.


"History is the record of an encounter between character and circumstances." n Donald Creighton, Canadian historian (1902-1979).

A Look Ahead

3 Adventist Church of Whitefish offers free professional gift wrapping, noon to 4 p.m. Dec. 19; and 1-6 p.m. Dec. 21-22. Free. No donations. No limit.

3 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group family Christmas party, 6:30-8 p.m., Dec. 19, Northridge Lutheran Church, 323 Northridge Dr., Kalispell. Bring a snack or appetizer. Beverages provided. Call 756-1414.

3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 20, The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.

3 Carroll College alumni, students and friends invited to cheer for the Saints as they take on the Sioux Falls Cougars in the NAIA Championship, 11 a.m. Dec. 20, Fatt Boys, Kalispell.

3 Bigfork High School Senior Class wraps holiday gifts for free, 1-4 p.m., Dec. 20, Hotel Bigfork, Grand Avenue. Donations welcome for graduation party.

3 Flathead Audubon 35th annual Bigfork Christmas Bird Count, Dec. 20. Call Dan Casey, 857-3143 evenings, or 756-5681 days to participate. $5 per adult. Potluck follows at 5:30 p.m., Bigfork Senior Center.

3 Gospel Light Baptist Church, Montana 35, Kalispell offers free day care for children of single parents, ages 1-5, from noon to 5 p.m. Dec. 20. Pre-register by Dec. 17 by calling 752-5458.

3 "Rebekah-An Evening in Purple," women's benefit dinner for Hospice, Dec. 20, Country Kitchen, Flathead County Fairgrounds. Doors open 5 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. Guest speakers Helen Thayer, author of "Polar Dreams" and longrider Bernice Ende. Tickets $35 each or two for $60. Call Susie Thompson, 885-6432.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Dec. 22, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 The Flathead Conservation District meets at 7 p.m., Dec. 22, 133 Interstate Lane, in Evergreen. Call 752-4220.

3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 3 p.m., Dec. 23, Three Rivers Bank, Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Friendship House, 606 Second Ave. W., Kalispell, annual "Light the Walk with Luminarias," Dec. 23-24. Cost $10 per luminaria. Proceeds go to building maintenance. Call Jim, 257-8375; or Carol, 755-5169.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Dec. 24, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Annual Rose Crossing luminaria display beginning 5:30 p.m., Dec. 24, along Rose Crossing from Whitefish Stage to U.S. 2 East. Everyone invited.

3 Community Kitchen-Feeding the Flathead Christmas dinner, 6 p.m., Dec. 25, Faith Alliance Church, 348 Second Ave. W., Kalispell. All welcome. Free gift to attendees.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dec. 26, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Dec. 29, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Dec. 30, Our Lady of Mercy Church, Eureka.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dec. 31, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 First Night Flathead 6 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Dec. 31. Alcohol-free New Year's Eve celebration in Kalispell for entire family. Numerous entertainment venues. Call Patrice Manget, 253-2471; or Jennifer Young, 758-7717.

3 Flathead Audubon 10th annual Kalispell Christmas Bird Count, Jan. 4. Meet at 7 a.m. at Finnegan's Restaurant. Call Dan Casey, 857-3143 evenings, or 756-5681 days to participate. $5 per adult.

3 Columbia Falls Community Choir begins practices for 2009 season, 2-4 p.m. Jan. 4, Columbia Falls Junior High School. Sign-in and music pick-up 1:30-2 p.m.; practice follows. Call Ron Bond, 892-5174.

3 Flathead Chronic Pain Support Group meets 5:30-7 p.m., Jan. 5, The Summit, Kalispell. Group meets on a weekly basis. Learn how to cope with pain and improve your quality of life. Free. Call Dr. Alex Bokor, 250-5252.

3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Jan. 7, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Todd Widman will discuss the "Crossfit Challenge." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 Evergreen Special Services Child Find screening for children 0 to 5 years old, 9 a.m. to noon Jan. 9, East Evergreen Elementary School. All welcome. Call 751-1113, ext. 23 to make an appointment.

3 Reception for Salish Kootenai College artists Corky Clairmont, Linda S. King and Jay Jay Polite Laber at Flathead High School and the Hockaday Museum of Art, Jan. 15. Public invited.

3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Jan. 21, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Holly Nichols talks about "Healthy Cooking." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 11:30 a.m., Jan. 22, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Feb. 4, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Topic is "Marriage Counseling." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Feb. 18, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Topic is on the preschool fair. Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., Feb. 26, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. March 4, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Sherry Johns talks about "Puppets for the Preschooler." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. March 18, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Brian Tankos discusses "How to Write a Living Will." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., March 26, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative board meets 11:30 a.m. April 23, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., May 28, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., June 25, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.