Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Early voting at record pace locally

| June 1, 2008 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The Flathead County Election Department expects to count a record number of primary election absentee ballots on Tuesday.

Of the county's 54,805 registered voters, 6,257 voters have requested absentee ballots - about triple the number of absentee ballots requested in the last primary election, the election department reported. As of midday Friday, 3,914 absentee ballots had been returned.

Larger numbers of absentee ballots typically are cast in general elections, according to the election department.

An absentee ballot county board will begin tallying ballots at 7 a.m. Tuesday, and is expected to have absentee results ready by the time polls close at 8 p.m.

Any registered voter may vote by absentee ballot, even if he or she is able to vote in person on election day.

Applications for absentee ballots are available at the election office (in the old Courthouse in Kalispell) until noon on Monday or can be downloaded from the Montana Secretary of State web site at

Absentee ballots must be returned by the time the polls close Tuesday.

County residents also may register to vote anytime Tuesday until the polls close at 8 p.m.

To be eligible to vote, voters need identification, such as a current photo identification, current utility bills, bank statements, paychecks, voter confirmation notices, government checks or other government documents that show your name and current address.

Voters will cast their primary ballots following party lines. Voters may choose either Republican or Democratic ballots when they reach the polls.

On the Democratic ballot, the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has top billing. Incumbent Gov. Brian Schweitzer is running against William A. Fischer and Donald Pogreba.

On the Republican ballot, voters will choose between John McCain and Ron Paul for president.

Republican choices for governor include Roy Brown and Larry Steele.

There also is one contested county election race, for commissioner, and five contested legislative primary contests.

For further election information, contact the Flathead County Election Department at 758-5535 or visit the Web site,