Thursday, December 19, 2024


| June 18, 2008 1:00 AM

3 Evergreen Water and Sewer District board meets at 7 a.m. at the district office, 130 Nicholson Dr.

3 Fifth Avenue East between Fourth and Sixth Street will be closed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today for repairs. An alternate route should be taken. Call the Public Works Department, 758-7720.

3 Children's Story Hour at 10 a.m., Bigfork Library; 837-6976.

3 Free presentations today, "Glacier National Park-Update 2008," on rehabilitation, snow removal, travel and activities, for tourism-oriented businesses and employees. First session is at 10 a.m. at Kalispell Chamber of Commerce. Second session is at 5:30 p.m., Glacier Outdoor Center, U.S. 2, West Glacier. Contact Lisa Jones, facilitator, at 862-7977.

3 Children's Story Hour at 10:30 a.m., Columbia Falls Library; 892-5919.

3 Children's Story Hour at 11 a.m., Flathead County Library in Kalispell; 758-5822.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Columbia Falls Women's Connection luncheon, 11:30 a.m., North Valley Community Center, 235 Nucleus Ave., Columbia Falls. Mary Kay Sinclair of the Glacier Bear Belles will talk about area hiking opportunities. Speaker is Cathy Bourne. Cost $7.50 per person. Free child care by reservation. Call Candy at 387-4119, or Janet at 892-3621. Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries.

3 Lakeside County Water and Sewer district board meets 2 p.m., district meeting room, 253 Bierney Creek Road, Lakeside.

3 Children's Story Hour at 3:30 p.m., Marion Library.

3 Flathead Outdoor Club hikes to the waterfall at Columbia Mountain. Meet at Columbia Heights rock shop at 5:30 p.m. to carpool to trailhead.

3 Healing taize service 7 p.m., Shining Mountains Church, 475 Eighth Ave. EN, Kalispell. Inspirational readings, prayer and singing. All welcome. Call 257-6539.

3 Olduvai Forum meets 7 p.m., Clementine's, 265 Bridge St., Bigfork. Video of David Orr's keynote address to Sopris Foundation in Missoula on "The Changing 'Climate' of U.S. Politics" will be shown. Coffee and tea provided. Donations appreciated. All welcome. Call Jeffrey Funk, 837-4208.

3 "Changing Your Cholesterol Numbers … with Food Choices" lecture, 7 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Fee $10. Call 751-4500 to pre-register.


3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative meets 8:30 a.m., 1001 S. Main St., basement conference room.

3 Flathead Electric Cooperative is planning an outage beginning at 9 a.m. for most of the day today in the South Marion area, including portions of Upper and Lower Lost Prairie Roads to southwest; Bitterroot Lane to north; and Bitterroot Drive to east.

3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Libby VFW.

3 Congressman Denny Rehberg's field representative Maren Olsen holds traveling office hours, 12:30 p.m. Ronan Public Library, 204 Main St.

3 Children's Story Hour at 1 p.m., Whitefish Library; 862-6657.

3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 2 p.m. Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.

3 Whitefish Chamber of Commerce Gone Fishin' 5-7 p.m., at Glacier Guides/Montana Raft Co., 11970 U.S. 2 E., West Glacier. Refreshments served. Raft special at 2 p.m., $10 per person. Call 387-5555 for reservations.

3 Free lecture and clinic on BodyTalk healthcare system, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Rocky Mountain Lodge, 6510 U.S. 93 S., Whitefish. Healing sessions will also be offered first come, first serve. $15 donation suggested. Families welcome. Call Greg, 471-7029.


3 Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Northwest Montana Human Resources Main Street, Kalispell.

3 Kalispell Relay for Life today and June 21, Flathead High School Legends Field. Call Joni McKiernan, 261-0184, or Shana Baccari, 752-6287.

3 Whitefish Relay for Life today and June 21, Whitefish High School. Call Aubonny, 863-8867; or Annie, 862-5580.

3 "A Time for Healing" meditative hour based on Order of St. Luke, the Physician, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Christ Church Episcopal, 215 Third Ave. E., Kalispell. Christian readings, songs, prayer. All welcome. Call 257-6182.


3 Flathead County Search and Rescue Pancake Breakfast fundraiser and open house 7 to 11 a.m., 525 Three Mile Dr., Kalispell. Includes eggs, sausage, juice and coffee. Suggested minimum donation $5. Meet the specialty search teams. Everyone welcome. Call Chris Fraser, 471-3519.

3 Community flea market 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 301 16th Ave. E., Polson. Vendor space available. Call Irene, 883-2063.

3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.

3 Flathead Audubon field trip to Lawrence Park in Kalispell. Walking is easy. Meet at 8 a.m. at Lawrence Park Pavilion. Bring binoculars. Call Bob Lopp, 257-6886. Everyone welcome.

3 Journaling workshop 9 a.m. to noon, Lone Pine State Park, Kalispell. Karin Connelly instructs on drawing, painting and describing found objects. $15 per person includes materials. To register, call Amy Grout, 755-2706.

3 Mountain of Savings Coupon Club class "Learn How to Save 40-90 Percent of Groceries," taught by Jennifer Turner, 10 a.m. to noon, Salvation Army Dining Room, 110 Bountiful Dr., near KRMC. Cost $10 includes door prizes, coupons, snacks. Call 253-1447.

3 Whitefish United Methodist Church car wash at Mike's Conoco in Whitefish, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 21. Cost $5 per car, truck or van. Benefits WUMC Principal Mortgage Fund. Canceled in inclement weather.

3 Mission Mountain Winery free ice cream social and program on food and wine pairings, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 21, U.S. 93, Dayton. Public welcome

3 Humane Society of Northwest Montana Microchip Clinic, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., 3499 U.S. 93 N. Fee is $25, first come, first served. Call 752-7297.

3 Polson Relay for Life, June 21-22, Polson High School track. Call Heidi Tritten, 883-6000.

3 Sons of Norway Fedraheimen Lodge midsummer picnic celebration, noon to 5 p.m., Lawrence Park, Kalispell. Bring hot dogs, buns, drinks and a potluck dish or dessert to share. Coffee provided. Guests welcome. Call 257-2537.


3 Driven Quartet presents a Southern gospel concert, 7 p.m., Kalispell Christian Church, 1075 Foys Lake Road, sponsored by Montana Gospel Music Association. Free admission; an offering will be taken. Heaven's Peak Flathead Valley quartet, opens the concert.


3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today and Tuesday, St. John's Hospital, Libby. Call 293-0100 to register.

3 Flathead County Democratic Women meet at 11:45 a.m., Winchester Room of the New Outlaw Inn, Kalispell. DVD presentation of Michelle Obama's previous visit to Flathead. Lunch available. No reservations required. All welcome. Call President Mary Reckin, 257-8160.

3 The Flathead Conservation District meets at 1 p.m., 133 Interstate Lane, in Evergreen. Call 752-4220.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Flathead Chronic Pain Support Group meets 5:30-7 p.m., at The Summit. Dr. Richard Wise, chronic pain and addiction medicine specialist, will talk about, "The Medical Management of Chronic Pain," new treatments and addiction issues. Question and answer session will follow. Learn how to cope with pain and improve your quality of life. Free. Call Dr. Alex Bokor, 250-5252.

3 Columbia Falls Heritage Days Committee meets 6:30 p.m., City Hall, 130 Sixth St. W. Call 892-0178 or 270-5968.


3 Flathead branch of Montana Native Plant Society and Flathead Audubon group hike 10 a.m., to noon along Wild Mile. Meet at Showthyme Restaurant in Bigfork. Public invited. Call Anne Morley, 886-2242; or Neal Brown, 837-5018.

3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Our Lady of Mercy, Eureka.

3 Wellness Education Center's Healthy Potluck Supper, 5:30-6:30 p.m., 103 Ponderosa Lane, Kalispell. Families welcome. Bring a healthy dish to share. Call the Wellness Center at 755-8423.

3 Museum at Central School Historic Film Club presents 1964 dark comedy, "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb," 7 p.m., 124 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. Free. Call 756-8381.

3 Cayuse Prairie School board meets at 7 p.m., in the school library.

A Look Ahead

3 Fair-Mont-Egan School trustees meet at 7 a.m., June 25, in the library.

3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., June 25, Three Rivers Bank, Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 Flathead Outdoor Club hikes to Beardance Trail on June 25. Meet at Little Brown Church, intersection of Montana 82 and 35 at 5:30 p.m. to carpool to trailhead.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., June 26, in the blood mobile at National Flood.

3 Bobcat Bash dinner June 26, Red Lion Hotel Kalispell. No host social hour 6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m., auction 8 p.m. $100 per couple; $60 per person; $35 for current MSU students. Golf Scramble in days to follow. RSVP to Bobcat Club office, 406-994-3741.

3 75th anniversary of Going-to-the-Sun Road June 27. Carving artist Jim Jensen gives two presentations, at 10 a.m. to noon and 3-5 p.m. Montana House; barbecue, noon to 5 p.m. Glacier Outdoor Center, tickets $5; Belton Depot open house noon to 5 p.m. Festivities noon to 7 p.m. St. Mary Lodge, Belton Chalet, 7-10 p.m. Jack Gladstone performs at 8:30 p.m. at McDonald Lodge. Call 862-6110.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 27, in the blood mobile, First Interstate Bank, Hutton Ranch Plaza, Kalispell.

3 Flathead Audubon field trip to inside North Fork Road, Glacier National Park. Meet at 7 a.m. June 28 at West Glacier Post office. Bring binoculars. Call Bruce Tannehill and Gail Cleveland at 862-4548. Everyone welcome. Park entrance fee or pass required.

3 Flathead Audubon heads to several area lakes to observe loons on June 28. Meet at 8 a.m. at Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 490 N. Meridian Road. Bring binoculars. Sign up by calling 751-4580.

3 Big Arm Family Fun Day and Craft Show, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 28. Crafts show, live entertainment, Kids' carnival, burgers by Big Arm volunteer fire fighters. Call Alison, 849-6628.

3 Yoga workshop by Jane Adams, 9 -10:30 a.m. June 28, community room, Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center, Kalispell. $10 per person; slower-paced class 11 a.m. to noon, $8 per person. Call Amy Grout, 755-2706.

3 Heart @ Work charity auction for Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund, June 28, Bigfork Bay Cotton Company, 8560 Montana 35, Bigfork. Silent auction 6:30 p.m.; live auction 7 p.m. Textile art, original paintings, photography, wine, gift baskets. Refreshments served. Call 837-2399.

3 Wag Fest 2008, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 29, Whitefish Armory complex. Animal behaviorists lectures in auditorium 305, Armory Road. Kids and dogs parade follows; costumes welcome. Frisbee contest. Hot dogs and drinks available noon to 2 p.m. Donations welcome. Call 863-9501.

3 Christ Lutheran Church of Whitefish "Welcome to Summer" potluck and barbecue, noon, June 29, 5150 River Lakes Parkway, just east of North Valley Hospital. Donations accepted toward hot dogs and hamburgers. All welcome. Call 862-2615.

3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., June 30, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

3 American Quarter Horse Association-approved show July 3-6, Majestic Valley Arena, Kalispell.

July 3 - Whitefish Gallery Nights Art Walk 6-9 p.m. downtown. Fun, food and beverages.; 862-3501.

July 4 - Kalispell Fourth of July parade, followed by ice cream social at Conrad Mansion, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free.

July 4 - Celebration at Whitefish City Beach. Kids' activities at 1 p.m. Barbecue 5-7 p.m. Live music with Full Moon Prophets at 7:30 p.m. Fireworks as soon as it's dark. Shuttle from O'Shaughnessy Center to beach from 5:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. All events free; 863-2472.

3 Bigfork parade, noon July 4. Children's carnival follows. "Ducks for Buck" race the "Wild Mile."

3 Lakeside fireworks display at dusk, July 4.

3 Polson's Fourth of July Parade at noon. Fireworks at dusk, Polson Fairgrounds.

3 Polebridge parade, noon, July 4. Barbecue follows at Northern Lights Saloon. No fireworks.

3 Whitefish Arts Festival 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., July 4-6, Park Side Credit Union, 1 Central Ave. Art and crafts, food, entertainment. Free admission; 862-5875.

3 Rebecca Farm dressage show and cross country equestrian clinic, July 5-6. Springcreek Road, off West Reserve Drive, Kalispell. Free for spectators; 755-FARM.

3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. July 7, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.

3 Glacier Stamp Club meets in the basement meeting room of the Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Stamp trading and talk at 7 p.m. July 7; followed by short business meeting. Visitors welcome. Call Gail Long, 752-6110.

3 Swan River School board meets at 5:30 p.m. July 8, in the school library.

3 Global VolunTourism informational session, 7 p.m. July 9, Whitefish Methodist Church, 1150 Wisconsin Ave.. Everyone welcome. Call Rhona, 862-0387.

3 Ray of Hope hosts a fundraiser community garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 11 and 12 at Woodland Storage across from Woodland Park in Kalispell.

3 Rockin' for Ravenwood fundraiser concert begins 4 p.m. July 12, Rocky Mountain Roadhouse Outdoor Stage. Vendors booths, food, live music with Joan Zen and Secret Powers band. Admission $12 at door, children 6 and under, free. Call 837-7279.

3 Canyon View multi-school reunion is from noon to 5 p.m. July 12 at Bohemian Grange Hall in Whitefish. Bring a hot or cold potluck dish, your own plates, cups, silverware and drinks. Teachers and students who attended Canyon View, Valentine, Halfmoon, La Salle, Birch Grove, Deer Park, Lake Blaine, Bissell or Helena Flats schools through 1980 are encouraged to attend. Call 752-1199 or 756-3211.

3 Flathead Chronic Pain Support Group meets 5:30-7 p.m., July 14, at The Summit. Learn how to cope with pain and improve your quality of life. Free. Call Dr. Alex Bokor, 250-5252.

3 Columbia Falls Heritage Days Committee meets 6:30 p.m. July 14, City Hall, 130 Sixth St. W. Call 892-0178 or 270-5968.

3 Bigfork Relay for Life for American Cancer Society, July 18-19, Bigfork High School track. Call Lyn Mogolis, 837-6248 or 212-0286; or Debbie Ingram, 837-6280.

3 Lakeside Community Club Fair 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 19. Pancake breakfast 8 a.m. Lakeside Chapel; 5K run/walk 9 a.m. Flathead Bank; parade 10:30 a.m. Food, silent auction, classic cars; 5 p.m. duck races at Tamarack Brewery.

3 Flathead Rose Festival 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. July 19, RoGrown Farms, 2227 Whitefish Stage Road, Kalispell. Kids carnival and activities; rose contest and workshops, lunch and dinner barbecues. Free admission. All proceeds from activities go to Flathead Food Bank. Call 253-0478.

3 Yoga workshop by Jane Adams, 9 -10:30 a.m. July 19, community room, Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center, Kalispell. $10 per person; slower-paced class 11 a.m. to noon, $8 per person. Call Amy Grout, 755-2706.

3 Flathead Chronic Pain Support Group meets 5:30-7 p.m., July 28, at The Summit. Learn how to cope with pain and improve your quality of life. Free. Call Dr. Alex Bokor, 250-5252.

3 Columbia Falls Heritage Days Committee meets 6:30 p.m. July 28, City Hall, 130 Sixth St. W. Call 892-0178 or 270-5968.

3 School District 5 Fall Enrollment for new students, grades K-8, Aug. 1, 233 First Ave. E., above Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Call Patty Fisher, enrollment clerk, 751-3430.

3 Evergreen fourth annual Show & Shine 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 2, Shopko parking lot, 1370 U.S. 2. E. Open to all classes of cars. Door prizes. No entry fee. Call Dan Demars, 837-4814.

3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Aug. 4, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.

3 Swan Lake Huckleberry Festival, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 9, Swan Lake Day Park near mile marker 72 on Montana 83. Food, arts and crafts fair, silent auction, huckleberry baked goods and kids games. Live music by Roy Wilhelm Band. Free; 837-5888.

3 Ninth annual MASH Bash, Aug. 22, North Valley Hospital. Dinner, dancing and live entertainment. Raffles. Tickets $65 each. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment for the Birth Center. Call 863-3630.

3 Glacier Nordic Ski team annual "Glacier Nordic Run" fund raiser Aug. 23, on Danny On Trail, Big Mountain. Call Debbie Mallams, 862-2113.

3 Yoga workshop by Jane Adams, 9 -10:30 a.m. Aug. 23, community room, Lone Pine State Park Visitor Center, Kalispell. $10 per person; slower-paced class 11 a.m. to noon, $8 per person. Call Amy Grout, 755-2706.

3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Sept. 1, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.

3 Whitefish Friends and Family Run 9:30 a.m. Sept. 6, North Valley Hospital campus. 5K, 10K and half-mile events. Benefit for Child Development Center in Kalispell and Shepherd's Hand Clinic in Whitefish. Call 862-8250.

3 National Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk, Sept. 20, Lawrence Park, Kalispell. Check in at 8 a.m.; walk begins 8:30 a.m. Call Heather, 406-252-5927.

3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Oct. 6, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.

3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Nov. 3, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.

3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Dec. 1, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.