3 Evergreen Disposal will be hauling garbage on its regular schedule today, Columbus Day.
3 Daughters of the American Revolution, Chief Ignace Chapter, meet at noon at for lunch at the home of Lois Yaeger. Meeting follows at 1 p.m. Guest speaker is JoAnn Piazzola, state regent. Call Cathy Lane, 755-6048.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
3 Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group book share, 6-8 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Survivors, family, friends are welcome. Refreshments. Call Kathy or Sue at 756-4723.
3 West Valley School board executive session regarding human rights issues, 6:30 p.m.; followed by regular board meeting at 7 p.m., school library.
3 Flathead Audubon meets at 7 p.m., at The Summit, Kalispell. Amy Cilimburg, Montana Audubon Director of Bird Conservation, will present "Global Warming in Montana: Birds, Wildlife and Us." Free. All welcome.
3 Roy Brown, candidate for Montana governor, holds a townhall meeting, 7 p.m. Glacier High School. Public welcome.
3 Public is invited to a free community lecture on "Shelter Care in the Flathead Valley," 7:30 a.m., Pathways Treatment Center, 200 Heritage Way, Kalispell.
3 Kalispell Women's Connection buffet luncheon 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., New Outlaw Inn, Kalispell. Cost is $12. Country live and silent auction. Guest speaker is Norma Tuxon of Eureka. RSVP to Jan at 857-2467. Complimentary child care by reservation. Affiliated with Stonecroft International Inc.
3 AGAPE Home Care free seminar, "Planning Nursing Home Placement for your Loved One" with Johnson-Gloschat Funeral Home representatives, noon to 1 p.m., United Way Conference room, Gateway West Mall, Kalispell. Call 755-4633.
3 Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon, noon, North Valley Community Room, 235 Nucleus Ave. Guest speaker is Kass Hardy, Glacier Park's centennial coordinator. No reservations required. Lunch available for $9. Call Carol Pike, 892-2072.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., KRMC.
3 Flathead Municipal Airport Authority meets at 4 p.m., Glacier Park International Airport board room.
3 Deer Park School board meets at 5 p.m. at the school.
3 Kila School board meets, 5:15 p.m.
3 United Methodist Women present a discussion on topic of Israel/Palestine, Oct. 14, Whitefish United Methodist Church, 1150 Wisconsin Ave. Soup supper 5:30 p.m.; session begins 6:15 p.m. Public invited. RSVP to Alita Phelps, 863-2884.
3 Public invited to "A Trail Runs Through It" open house and informational meeting on progress of recreational loop trail project, 5:30-7 p.m. Oct. 14, Whitefish City Council, 418 E. Second St. Call Lisa Jones, 862-7977.
3 School District 5 and Flathead County High School district board meets at 5:30 p.m., Kalispell Middle School Media Center.
3 VFW Post 2252, 330 First Ave. W., Kalispell invites all veterans to a meet and greet, 5:30 p.m. Bring your VFW membership, or current military ID to receive free beverage.
3 Somers Rural Fire district board meets 6 pm., Lakeside Fire Station, 125 Bills Road.
3 The Flathead Conservation District meets at 7 p.m., 133 Interstate Lane, in Evergreen. Call 752-4220.
3 Lecture series continues on "Cascading Climate Change Impacts on the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem," 7 p.m., FVCC Arts and Technology building, room 139. Guest speaker is Dan Fagre, research ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey. Free. Open to public.
3 Mission Mountain Audubon Society meet 7 p.m., Polson City Library meeting room. Katie McDonald and Byron Crow discuss "Mercury Levels in Ospreys." 3 Back Country Horsemen of the Flathead meet at 7:30 p.m., Fish, Wildlife and Parks Building, 490 N. Meridian Road. Public welcome. Call 752-1297.
"There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction. One has to go abroad in order to find the home one has lost." n Franz Kafka, Austrian author (1883-1924).
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Stephanie Bailey "demonstrates "Crafting with Scrapbook Paper." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Plum Creek corporate office.
3 Columbia Falls Women's Connection luncheon, 11:30 a.m., North Valley Community Center, 235 Nucleus Ave., Columbia Falls. Alice Riley and Marie Trodick demonstrate making lefse. Guest speaker is Norma Tuxon of Eureka. Cost $8 per person. Free child care by reservation. Call Candy at 387-4119, or Janet at 892-3621. Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries.
3 Lakeside County Water and Sewer district board meets 2 p.m., district meeting room, 253 Bierney Creek Road, Lakeside.
3 Flathead County Parks and Recreation Department public workshop to gather input on Flathead County Parks Master Plan, 7 p.m., Glacier Park Community Building, West Glacier. Call 758-5800.
3 "Changing Your Cholesterol Numbers … with Food Choices" lecture, 7 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Fee $10. Call 751-4500 to pre-register.
3 Northwest Montana Chapter of the Autism Society of America meets at 7 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Topic is Autism Walk and upcoming support group meetings. Call 257-8758.
3 Whitefish Chamber of Commerce Gone Fishin' 5-7 p.m., at Whitefish Mountain Resort base lodge. Refreshments served. Call 862-3501.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Libby VFW.
3 North Country Medical Clinic open house, 5-7 p.m., 1343 U.S. 93 N. Tours, refreshments, and information. Public invited. Call 297-2438.
3 Whitefish Chamber of Commerce Gone Fishin' 5-7 p.m., at Whitefish Mountain Resort. Refreshments served. Call 862-3501.
3 Flathead County Parks and Recreation Department public workshop to gather input on Flathead County Parks Master Plan, 7 p.m., Bethany Lutheran Church, 8559 Montana 35, Bigfork. Call 758-5800.
3 Students from Skogn Folk High School of Norway slide show presentation of their country, 7-8 p.m., East Evergreen Elementary School, 535 E. Evergreen Dr., Kalispell. Singing and dancing included. Free. Everyone welcome.
3 Artists and Craftsmen of the Flathead meets at 7 p.m., at the Eagles, 37 First St. W., Kalispell. Guests welcome.
3 Museum at Central School History Book Club meets 6:30 p.m. at the museum, 124 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. Local author John Fraley will give an audio-visual presentation and discuss his book, "Wild River Pioneers." All welcome to attend. Call 756-8381.
3 Mike Jopek, candidate for House District 4, invites the public to a pizza night, 8-11 p.m., Second Street Pizza, 306 Second St. E., Whitefish. Free.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
3 Bet Harim Jewish community of the Flathead Valley invites the public to its Sukkot Harvest Festival and potluck, 6 p.m., Glacier Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1515 Trumble Creek Road, Kalispell. To decorate bring decorations at 4 p.m. Outside service, weather permitting. Call 756-5159.
A Look Ahead
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Oct. 18, The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 18, North Valley Hospital. $10 course fee. Call 863-3630 to register.
3 Glacier Stamp Club annual postage stamp show, 10 am. to 4 p.m. Oct. 18; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 19, Museum at Central School, 124 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. Free admission to show and museum. Stamp dealers, free stamps, exhibits. Call 752-6110.
3 23rd annual Glacier Golden Autumn arts and crafts show and sale, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 18; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 19, Izaak Walton Inn, Essex. Free admission. Call 888-5700.
3 Flathead Spay and Neuter Task Force open house to tour newly expanded facilities, noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 18, 3491 Trumble Creek Road, Columbia Falls. Everyone welcome. Call 892-7387.
3 Mountain Brook Ladies Club annual Harvest Supper, 6 p.m. Oct. 18, library building, 2353 Foothill Road. Bring a dish and pie to share. Drawing for a quilt. Bingo. Free. Public invited.
3 Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation event, Voices in the Wilderness, 7-9:30 p.m. Oct. 18, Hockaday Museum of Art, 302 Second Ave. E., Kalispell. Silent art auction featuring Montana artists, quick-draw with Jane Latus-Emmert. Desserts, beer and wine. $15 donation at door. Call Paul Travis, 387-3808.
3 Flathead Valley United Church of Christ bingo and potluck night, 7 p.m., Oct. 18, 204 Seventh Ave. W., Kalispell. Benefit for Montana Pride Network. Call 756-0050.
3 Flathead Audubon field trip to Lower McDonald Creek, Glacier Park, Oct. 19. Bring binoculars and dress for weather. Call Jim and Sue Swab, 387-4299.
3 Bet Harim Jewish Community of the Flathead Valley celebrates Festival of the Torah with the Missoula Klezmer Band, 6 p.m. Oct. 19, Glacier Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1515 Trumble Creek Road, Kalispell. Potluck supper, dancing, singing. Public welcome.
3 Flathead County Republican Women meet at noon Oct. 20, at the New Outlaw Inn. Speakers include Duane Grimes, candidate for State Auditory, and Scott Reichner, candidate for House District 9. Lunch available. Public welcome. Call Pamala Kasperson, 837-4428.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 20-21, North Valley Senior Center, Columbia Falls. $10 course fee. Call 892-4087 to register.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Oct. 20 at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
3 Legislative candidates forum on human services issues regarding people with disabilities and seniors, 3-5 p.m. Oct. 20, The Summit, Kalispell. Public welcome. Call Travis Hoffman, 728-1630.
3 Fair-Mont-Egan School board meets at 7 p.m., Oct. 20, school library.
3 Flathead County Transportation Committee meets at 9 a.m. Oct. 21, Earl Bennett Building conference room to consider additions and changes to school bus routes. Call 758-5722.
3 Flathead City-County Health Department flu clinic, 9 a.m. to noon, Oct. 21, Veterans Home, Columbia Falls.
3 Flathead City-County Health Department flu clinic, 1:30-4 p.m. Oct. 21, Whitefish Golden Agers Center.
3 March of Dimes sponsors a Jail and Bail community fundraiser to raise money for the prevention of birth defects, 11 a.m. Oct. 21, Eagles, 37 First St. W. Call 406-252-7480.
3 Family Concepts Parent Institute offers parent education sessions every Tuesday 1-2:30 p.m. Oct. 21, 14 River Road, Kalispell. $5 per session. Public invited. Call Kathleen, 257-4040.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 4-7 p.m., Oct. 21, Lakeside Community Chapel.
3 Somers School board goals work session, 6 p.m., followed by regular session at 7 p.m., Oct. 21, Somers Middle School.
3 Lecture series panel discussion on "Water and Wildlife: climate change and Montana's Natural Resources," 7 p.m. Oct. 21, FVCC Arts and Technology building, room 139. Free. Open to public.
3 Flathead County Parks and Recreation Department public workshop to gather input on Flathead County Parks Master Plan, 7 p.m., Oct. 21, Whitefish Library. Call 758-5800.
3 Creston Fire Fighter Associate Membership potluck meeting 7 p.m. Oct. 21, Creston Fire Station, 4498 Montana 35, Kalispell. Public welcome. Bring a dish to share. Call Gloria Graves, 250-4655.
3 Flathead Valley Drug Task Force gives a presentation for Red Ribbon Week, 7 p.m. Oct. 21, Deer Park School gym. Public welcome.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-5 p.m., Oct. 22, Kalispell Center Mall.
3 United Methodist Women present a discussion on topic of Israel/Palestine, Oct. 22, Bigfork Community United Methodist Church, 750 Electric Ave. Soup supper 5:30 p.m.; session begins 6:15 p.m. Public invited. RSVP to Alita Phelps, 863-2884.
3 Candidates for Flathead County Commissioner Steve Qunell and Jim Dupont debate 7 p.m. Oct. 22, Bigfork United Methodist Church, 750 Electric Ave. Public invited.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program presents "We Need to Talk: Conversations with Older Drivers," a 90-minute presentation for care givers of the elderly driver, 7 p.m. Oct. 22, The Summit, Kalispell. Call 751-4500 to reserve a seat.
3 Melanie Hoerner gives a demonstration on making sauerkraut for Essential Stuff Project, 7 p.m. Oct. 22, Clementine's, 265 Bridge St., Bigfork. Free. Donations welcome. Call Edd Blackler, 837-5196; or Edmund Fitzgerald, 837-5548.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 22-23, Ronan Senior Center. $10 course fee. Call 677-2371 to register.
3 Flathead City-County Health Department flu clinic, 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 23, Bethany Lutheran Church, Bigfork.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative board meets 11:30 a.m. Oct. 23, Tenth and Main Building, 1001 S. Main Street, Kalispell, basement conference room.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Oct. 23, Home Depot, Kalispell, in the blood mobile.
3 Flathead Suicide Prevention Coalition meets noon to 1 p.m., Oct. 23, Flathead City-County Health Department conference room, Kalispell. Call Joan Schmidt, 871-1008.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m. to noon, Oct. 24, First Interstate Bank, Whitefish, in the blood mobile.
3 Girls Night Out at Real Deals Home Decor, 4-8 p.m. Oct. 24, 65 Eighth Ave. WN., Kalispell. Appetizers, desserts, beverages served. Door prizes. Edgerton Elementary School PTO fundraiser for playground equipment.
3 "Live Locally" 5K run/walk for lung health awareness, 10 a.m. Oct. 25, Main and Seventh, Polson. Registration $20. Call HealthCare Plus, 883-3910.
3 Flathead Audubon bird watching trip around Smith Lake. Meet at 9 a.m. Oct. 25, at Kila post office. Bring binoculars and/or scope and dress for weather. All welcome. Call Linda Winnie, 755-1406.
3 First Presbyterian Church fall bazaar, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Oct. 25, church lower level, 540 S. Main St., Kalispell. Crafts, fresh produce, homemade preserves, baked goods, next-to-new items. Silent auction. Soup lunch with homemade pie served 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Benefit for local charities. Call 752-7488.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Oct. 25, Qdoba Mexican Grill, in the blood mobile.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Oct. 27, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
3 Columbia Falls School board Policy Committee meets at 6 p.m., followed by a regular board meeting at 6 p.m., Oct. 27, administration offices boardroom, 501 Sixth Ave. W. Columbia Falls.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Oct. 28, Eureka Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Creston Fire Department offers a public CPR class 6 p.m. Oct. 28, Creston Fire Station, 4498 Montana 35, Kalispell. Call Gloria Graves, 250-4655, by Oct. 24.
3 Lecture series panel discussion on "The New Administration: What will McCain or Obama do about Climate Change," 7 p.m. Oct. 28, FVCC Arts and Technology building, room 139. Free. Open to public.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 29-30, St. John's Lutheran Hospital, Libby. $10 course fee. Call 293-0100 to register.
3 Flathead City-County Health Department flu clinic, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 29, Flathead County Fairgrounds.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Oct. 29, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell, for a field trip to Sweet Pickins. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-5 p.m., Oct. 29, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
3 United Methodist Women present a discussion on topic of Israel/Palestine, Oct. 29, Columbia Falls United Methodist Church, 117 Second St. Soup supper 5:30 p.m.; session begins 6:15 p.m. Public invited. RSVP to Alita Phelps, 863-2884.
3 Montana Pride Network presents a haunted house, 6-9 p.m. Oct. 29-30; 6-10 p.m. Oct. 31, 433 Mountain View Dr., Kalispell., between E. Reserve and Springcreek Roads. $3 admission; group rates for five or more. Call 756-0050.
3 Workshop on teen sexuality and substance abuse presented by reproductive health, youth counseling professionals and Flathead CARE, 6-7:30 p.m. Oct. 29, Museum at Central School, Kalispell. RSVP by Oct. 24. Call Rebecca Metteer, 751-8157.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 1-4 p.m., Oct. 30, Christian Center, Kalispell.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. 31, at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell. Sponsored by Johnson-Gloschat Funeral Home.
3 Kalispell Lions Club sponsors a "Dealing with Diabetes" retreat for kids and teens, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 1, The Summit, Kalispell. Dr. Michael Swinyard, pediatric endocrinologist and Will Cross, will be featured speakers. Registration $5 per family includes lunch. Call KRMC Diabetes Care Program at 752-5111.
3 Flathead Chronic Pain Support Group meets 5:30-7 p.m., Nov. 3, at The Summit. Group meets on a weekly basis. Learn how to cope with pain and improve your quality of life. Free. Call Dr. Alex Bokor, 250-5252.
3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Nov. 3, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Nov. 5, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Sydney Fissori talks about "Informal Hospitality." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.
3 St. Richard's annual bazaar, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 8, St. Richard's Catholic Church, U.S. 2 West, Columbia Falls. Homemade soup, sandwiches and pie lunch served. Craft shop; candy store, children's Christmas tree, silent auction; Santa's raffle table. Cash raffle; need not be present to win.
3 "Starlit Night in the Flathead" benefit for Glacier Gateway playground equipment, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Nov. 8, Columbia Falls Junior High cafetorium. Don Lawrence Orchestra provides dance music. Singles $15; couples $25. Call 892-6450.
3 Randy Wallet cancer benefit, 1 p.m. to closing Nov. 15, the Eagles, Kalispell. Live and silent auction. Donations of items and services welcome. Call Rachel Wallette, 253-9778.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Nov. 17, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Christie Adney talks about the silent auction fundraiser. Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 11:30 a.m., Nov. 20, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Suicide Prevention Coalition meets noon to 1 p.m., Nov. 20, Flathead City-County Health Department conference room, Kalispell. Call Joan Schmidt, 871-1008.
3 Suicide Support Group, Surviving Our Loss after Suicide, (SOLAS) meets at 7 p.m. Dec. 1, The Summit, Kalispell. All those affected by suicide welcome. Call 871-1008.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Dec. 3, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Terri Williams talks about "Care and Imaging of the Breast." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:15-11:15 a.m. Dec. 17, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Dr. Wallace Wilder talks about "Keeping Our Kids Healthy." Child care provided. Call Heidi Durban, 253-4886.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 11:30 a.m., Dec. 18, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Suicide Prevention Coalition meets noon to 1 p.m., Dec. 18, Flathead City-County Health Department conference room, Kalispell. Call Joan Schmidt, 871-1008.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 11:30 a.m., Jan. 22, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., Feb. 26, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., March 26, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative board meets 11:30 a.m. April 23, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., May 28, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.
3 Flathead Special Education Cooperative executive council meets, 8:30 a.m., June 25, Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Ave. W., second floor conference room.