Friday, March 07, 2025

Skiing season better than expected

by JIM MANN/Daily Inter Lake
| April 9, 2009 1:00 AM

Whitefish Mountain Resort's winter season ended with a bang last weekend, but there's still skiing to be had at Blacktail Mountain near Lakeside and at Turner Mountain near Libby.

Faced with a sour economy, Whitefish Mountain Resort management was braced for a slumping season, but it did not turn out that way.

On Saturday, the day before closing for the season, the resort broke its five-year average for paid skier visits (individual ticket purchases).

"To realize that we actually met our five-year average in a depressed economy is really exciting," said Donnie Clapp, the resort's spokesman. "For most of the year, we weren't looking at averages. We were looking at budgets that were set for the economic climate … We were prepared to be well-below average."

The resort actually exceeded last year's mark of 7,000 season pass sales by about 100, an important indicator for next season's budgeting.

"They are more likely to ski next year," Clapp said, referring to season-pass holders who account for a large share of the resort's operating revenue.

The resort had a stronger-than-expected season despite a temporary snow drought in January and February. March delivered a strong boost in snow, allowing for a finish with 298 inches of total snowfall at the Big Mountain summit.

"The 15-year average is just above 300 inches, and we basically met that, which was a happy turnout because a month ago it didn't look like we were going to reach that benchmark," Clapp said.

The season closed with the fourth annual Pond Skimming competition in which skiers launch into an open-water pool.

"From where I was standing, there were more people this year than there has ever been by a wide margin," Clapp said. "I would be really surprised if there were less than 2,000 people there."

The ski season is not over yet at Blacktail Mountain west of Lakeside.

The ski area, with north-facing slopes that are still loaded with snow, will remain open daily, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., through the end of this week.

On Sunday, the ski area will have an Easter egg hunt at its Never Ever Land area on the summit.

Turner Mountain, located off the Pipe Creek Road northwest of Libby, will be open this Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and it could be open periodically over the next couple of weeks, said Dave Anderson, a spokesman for the ski area.

"We'll evaluate what kind of weather we get over the next week," he said. "We're kind of taking it one week at a time."

Reporter Jim Mann may be reached at 758-4407 or by e-mail at