Thursday, October 10, 2024

Road-access issue delays Lakeside project

by LYNNETTE HINTZE/Daily Inter Lake
| January 1, 2009 1:00 AM

The Flathead County commissioners wrapped up 2008 business on Wednesday by approving a 30-day extension for the Marco Heights 2 subdivision north of Lakeside.

Extending the Dec. 31 deadline for considering the preliminary plat for the commercial development will give the developer and the county time to work out a road-access issue.

The commissioners will take up the matter again at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday.

APEC Inc., developer of the two-lot subdivision, proposed an access onto U.S. 93 between the lots, just north of the Deer Creek Road intersection with the highway. The commissioners balked at the added access onto U.S. 93 because of a hill and sight-distance constraints in that area.

Marco Heights 2 is planned on 1.96 acres about 2.5 miles north of Lakeside.

A new professional building is planned on the northern lot, while the existing Lakeside Physical Therapy building is located on the southern lot.

APEC now proposes connecting the parking lots of the two buildings and using Deer Creek Road as the U.S. 93 access point.

Flathead County planner Allison Mouch said the planning board can't support that proposal because creating a de facto road between the parking lots doesn't comply with the county growth policy and subdivision regulations.

However, the commissioners will consider a variance.

"To me, making the access on Deer Creek Road is the answer," Commissioner Gary Hall said.

Commissioner Joe Brenneman said that in this case, providing greater public safety seems to outweigh following subdivision rules to the letter of the law. But he's concerned that there's less sight distance for motorists using the Deer Creek Road access than there would be with a new access road to the north.

Lakeside-area residents voiced concerns about the access issue in October when the Lakeside Land Use Advisory Committee looked at the project, noting that Deer Creek Road already is busy and is inadequate to handle increased traffic. Residents also opposed the additional access proposed between the two lots, according to planning-department records.

Features editor Lynnette Hintze may be reached at 758-4421 or by e-mail at