Thursday, October 10, 2024

A weekend with economic legs

| June 3, 2009 12:00 AM

Inter Lake editorial

Looking for a little economic stimulus in the Flathead Valley?

It's coming this weekend when legions of young athletes, their coaches and families descend on Kalispell for two major sporting events.

First up Friday and Saturday are the Class AA and B state track meets at Legends Stadium. That will bring 900 high school athletes from 60 schools, with an expected crowd of 5,000 to 6,000 people jamming into the stadium to see the best tracksters in Montana.

Overlapping by a day (Saturday) and continuing through Sunday is the 16th annual Three Blind Refs Soccer Tournament at Kidsports. That will involve 113 teams (from as far away as Calgary and Idaho Falls' with 1,500 players and a total of nearly 4,000 people.

These two huge events promise to deliver a substantial economic boost to the valley even before the usual tourism season starts.

When you figure all the motel rooms that are booked, all the restaurant meals visitors will consume and even the shopping they will squeeze in, it adds up to at least a million-dollar economic impact here. Last weekend's state soccer tournament in Great Falls - a smaller undertaking than Three Blind Refs - was estimated to produce a $1.2 million benefit to Great Falls.

It's not hard to imagine more dollars than that being spent in Kalispell and throughout the Flathead Valley from the soccer and track followers combined.

That's the kind of stimulus that can start the summer season off on the right foot.

The weather promises to be outstanding, the venues are top-notch and the competition should be exemplary both on the track and the soccer pitch this weekend.

The only downside to the sports invasion might be some slight challenges for visitors finding places to park. Parking, particularly at Legends Stadium, will be an adventure, to put it charitably.

But we wouldn't expect that to overshadow the fun and excitement of the weekend ahead.

Welcome, track and soccer participants and fans. Enjoy your stay in the Flathead.