Thursday, March 06, 2025

Man not happy to see wife's family

| April 13, 2010 2:00 AM

A man called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office Sunday to report that his wife’s family was at his house on Lindsay Lane in Bigfork and he wanted them to leave. A deputy counseled the group.

A person from Iowa reported that a Flathead Valley man was calling and making threats. A deputy contacted and spoke with the caller.

Two mailboxes were smashed on the 100 block of Managhan Lane.

There was a report of a 16-year-old boy punching his father in the face at a home on West Cottonwood. The boy was arrested for partner-family member assault.

An outboard motor, a compressor, battery charger and tool boxes were reported stolen from a Juniper Bay Road residence sometime over the last two months.

A vehicle veered off Meridian Road, striking a tree late Sunday. An injured man was transported to Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

A girl, 14, was cited for shoplifting three bottles of perfume from a store on U.S. 2 in Evergreen.

Early Monday, there was a report of a boy, 16, causing a disturbance at a residence on the 1300 block of Cameron Lane in the Whitefish area.

A man from the Somers reported that his ex-wife was stalking him.

There was a report of kids trying to start a fire in bushes near an apartment complex on West Reserve Drive.

There was a report of someone making repeated suspicious phone calls to a business in a West Idaho plaza. A deputy obtained the caller’s phone number, made contact and advised him to stop making the calls.

There were 114 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Sunday and 3:30 p.m. Monday.

Kalispell Police got a report of two people fornicating in a vehicle near a clinic in the Kalispell Regional Medical Center area Sunday night.

A person reported being struck in the back of the head by a man in the 1000 block area of Fifth Street West.

After returning from a camping trip, a man reported finding his shop on the 800 block of West Wyoming had been vandalized. Oddly, the man called back to say that he had a severe nose bleed, with no stated cause, and needed an ambulance. He called back again saying he needed his brother, who was notified and sent to the location.

Early Monday, a man called to report that subjects were giving him a hard time at a bar on West Idaho.

A resident on the 1900 block of Greatview Drive reported that her baby’s father came and took the baby’s belongings, and $700 was missing.

A person called from a North Main business to report a vehicle had been keyed sometime in the last week.

A landlord on Third Avenue East reported that a tenant was talking about guns and gun use, and asked for an officer to assist in a search of the rental. The request was denied.

There were 55 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Sunday and 3:30 p.m. Monday.

Columbia Falls Police had no significant incidents and 18 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Sunday and 3:30 p.m. Monday.