Open burning season concludes
Spring/summer open burning season concluded Wednesday.
Open burning is prohibited during July, August, and September in most years due to fire danger.
Campfires and warming fires (when deemed necessary determined by weather conditions) are allowed during prohibited months unless further fire restrictions are issued by Department of Natural Resources and Conservation or your local fire district.
A warming or campfire does not exceed 4 feet in diameter and consists of materials less than three inches in diameter.
The Flathead County Landfill offers an alternative to burning, free to homeowners within the county. Composting is an alternative for items such as grass clippings and leaves.
The DNRC will post further fire restrictions and closures if deemed necessary.
Important dates to remember:
n Dec. 1 to Feb. 29 - No open burning (season closed)
n March 1 to April 30 - Open burning. No burning permit required. Air quality compliance required.
n May 1 to June 30 - Burning permit required from DNRC. Air quality compliance required.
n July 1 to Sept. 30 - No burning in Flathead County and some Lake County rural fire departments.
n Oct. 1 to Nov. 30 - Open burning. No burning permit required. Air quality compliance required.