Thursday, March 06, 2025

Vehicle accident follows kicking incident

| July 9, 2010 2:00 AM

The Montana Highway Patrol and the Flathead County Sheriff’s office responded to a motor vehicle accident on Rhodes Draw at about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, finding that the accident may have been caused by a woman passenger kicking the male driver. She claimed that he was driving unsafely and she wanted out of the vehicle. She had injuries requiring transport to Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Deputies answered a parent’s questions about a boy, 16, who was out of control at a Harmony Road residence.

There was a report of a 13-year-old boy picking on another 13-year-old boy on Pebble Drive, which resulted in a fight. A deputy counseled the kids and their parents.

At 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, there was a report of a dispute between a man and a woman at an East Reserve business regarding child care. The woman allegedly rammed a car into the man’s vehicle, resulting in her arrest for criminal endangerment.

After a traffic stop near Main and Idaho Wednesday afternoon, Kalispell Police arrested a woman, 45, for a Flathead County Justice Court warrant.

A person reported a theft of sunglasses at a box store on U.S. 93 north.

There was a report of a person attempting to pawn a stolen firearm at an East Idaho pawn shop.

A woman reported that another woman who lives nearby on the 1200 block of Seventh Avenue West keeps harassing her and her children.

Some type of delivery boy reported that a man and woman were fighting at an apartment on Glenwood Drive. Officers ended up separating the couple.

Early Thursday, there was a report of a disturbance at a residence on the 1100 block of Fourth Street West involving a man and a woman throwing household items at each other. The man was transported to another place to stay for the night.

An iPod was reportedly stolen from an unlocked vehicle on the 400 block of Second Avenue East North.

A full-size toolbox was reported stolen from a pickup on the 600 block of Seventh Avenue West North.


Evergreen Fire responded to a motor vehicle accident at Rose Crossing and U.S. 2  Wednesday afternoon that required one person to be transported to the Kalispell hospital.