Thursday, March 06, 2025

Man saved from capsized canoe

| June 7, 2010 2:00 AM

Whitefish Police got a report of a canoe tipping on Whitefish Lake, leaving a man in the water about 300 yards from shore Saturday night. People in two other canoes assisted the man, and he was brought safely to shore within about 15 minutes.

There was a report of a couple having intimate relations in the back seat of a car at the Mountain Mall. They were told by an officer to move along.

On Sunday, a man turned up at the police department to report he had been assaulted the previous night somewhere in Columbia Falls.

A resident along U.S. 93 north of town reported that a man and woman were fighting next door. The man was gone when officers arrived.

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office got a report of a crowd watching two men fighting at a parking lot on Flathead Drive Saturday night. They turned out to be friends, and no assault charges were warranted.

There was a report of people fishing on private property on Canal Street in Bigfork and refusing to leave. They eventually left.

An extremely intoxicated man who was refusing to leave a residence on Gordon Avenue in Columbia Heights was given a ride to a location in Hungry Horse.

Later there was another report of an unwanted, intoxicated man at a Gordon Avenue residence. He was gone when deputies arrived.

There was a report of a suspicious man knocking on doors on Lakeside Boulevard and asking people they had items he might be interested in buying. He could not be located.

There was a report of an intoxicated man trashing his trailer on Shady Lane. He could not be found.

Someone reported that there was a person illegally camping with a tent and a fire on private properly along Delray Road. Deputies could not respond unless the property owner reported the trespass.

Early Sunday, a 21-year-old man causing a disturbance at a bar on U.S. 2 west of Columbia Falls was Tased by deputies and arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

A woman reported that her kayak had gotten stuck on a logjam in the Stillwater River on Saturday, and it was gone when she returned to retrieve it Sunday morning.

There was a report of an unwanted panhandler asking for money near a restaurant on U.S. 2 in Evergreen.

Sheriff’s dispatch had 163 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

Kalispell Police officers arrested a man for shoplifting at a grocery store on U.S. 93 South, but they were unable to locate his female accomplice.

After a disturbance at a Stratford Drive residence Saturday night, a man, 46, was arrested for partner or family member assault.

After a traffic stop on U.S. 93 South, a 28-year-old man was arrested on a warrant.

At 1:45 a.m. Sunday, two skateboarders were instructed to leave the Woodland Park skate park.

There was a report of a bicycle being stolen from a residence on the 500 block of Second Avenue West.

A man reported from the 300 block of Sixth Avenue West that another had broken his nose Saturday night and had threatened to kill him if he reported it to police.

A juvenile male was arrested for criminal mischief after he damaged property at the Flathead Youth Home on Oregon Street.

There was a report of a building being broken into on Begg Road.

A person reported that a GPS device was stolen from a locked compartment on a motorcycle sometime Saturday night near Second Avenue West and 10th Street.

There was a report of a building being damaged on the 300 block of Seventh Avenue East North.

There was a report of a mailbox being destroyed at a business on the 1800 block of Airport Road.

There was a report of 90-year-old man traveling at about 1 mph on a tricycle and causing traffic problems on North Main. Police convinced the man to ride along the shoulder.

There were 84 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

Columbia Falls Police arrested a man, 49, for drunk driving after a traffic stop early Sunday on U.S. 2 west.

A man, 22, was arrested for assault, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct and theft after a disturbance at an Eddy Court residence Sunday morning.

Saturday night, a minor was arrested for possessing alcohol after a traffic stop on U.S. 2 west.

There were 25 log entries between 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.