Thursday, March 06, 2025

Accused assailant absent Sunday

| March 8, 2010 2:00 AM

Flathead County Sheriff’s deputies were unable to find a man accused of assault on Concord Lane after a woman showed up for work Sunday morning injured from being hit several times.

Two vehicles parked at Olney-Bissell School raised suspicion when somebody noticed headlights were on and apparently intoxicated youths were on the playground.

After violating his probation terms by drinking, and after causing a disturbance at home, a 25-year-old man was sent back to jail after his parents called for a deputy.

A husband and wife in a marital dispute reportedly exacerbated the problem by drinking and shoving. They were separated for the night.

Deputies arrested a 61-year-old man in Kiwanis Park and charged him with indecent exposure after he behaved inappropriately in front of a couple sitting in a car.

Two boys built a fire in a ditch along Kings Loop Saturday afternoon, and one ended up burning his hair and eyelashes. An adult wanted a deputy to talk to the boys.

Deputies identified eight youths running around in the Conrad Cemetery and athletic complex Saturday night, and planned to return Sunday morning for a thorough check on possible damage.

A man with a failure-to-appear warrant, someone with a stash of what was reported as medical marijuana and shouting in the night were the elements of a Shadow Lane report in which one person was arrested Sunday morning.

Deputies received 159 calls for assistance between 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

Kalispell police arrested a 29-year-old man on his second DUI after he allegedly refused to take a sobriety test. He also was taken into custody for obstructing a peace officer and having no driver’s license.

Early Sunday, another man was arrested for DUI and his passenger was taken to a nearby hotel to stay the night.

The woman at a late-night restaurant on East Idaho may have been too intoxicated to comply with a request to leave, so police gave her a ride home early Sunday.

A woman reported a blue heeler had been hit on Grandview Drive near Flathead Valley Community College Sunday night. Police said the dog was OK.

Reckless driving, spinning circles and finally rolling over were what caused police to call for a wrecker for an older pickup truck on Financial Drive Sunday afternoon.

A man and his stolen bicycle were reunited after he spotted it outside a Kalispell theater complex Saturday night.

On Second Avenue East, it was a fire pit that was reported stolen from a yard. On Two Mile Drive, a stereo went missing from an unlocked SUV. And on Airport Road CDs were stolen from an unlocked car Friday night; when the car was locked Saturday night, somebody got in anyway and stole a stereo faceplate.

A barking dog in a hotel room prompted a talk from a police officer when the owner returned to the room early Sunday.

Dogs were running loose and causing potential problems on Sixth Avenue West, Depot Park and Ashley Drive.

Officers received 78 calls for assistance between 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

Columbia Falls police received 24 calls for assistance between 3:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

No report was available Sunday from Whitefish police.