Thursday, March 06, 2025

Snoozing driver disappears

| September 4, 2010 2:00 AM

Kalispell Police Department officers were unable to find a man who apparently fell asleep at a stoplight on Woodland Park Drive. A caller reported the possible drunk driver to police after they honked their horn when the snoozing driver idled at a green light. Officers were unable to locate the man or the vehicle.

A man on College Avenue called police after his ex-wife refused to let him see their children.

Someone saw a pickup truck travel through a school zone on U.S. 2 West at a high rate of speed, almost colliding with another motorist.

Drunk and shirtless, a man on a bicycle nearly collided with a vehicle near the intersection of First Avenue West and First Street West.

At a business on U.S. 93 North, a man threw a woman’s possessions in a parking lot during an argument and nearly collided with her as he fled.

A camper was stolen on Fifth Avenue West. A bicycle was stolen on Fifth Avenue East.

After allegedly stealing a truck and stealing from a business in Lake County, a man was arrested at a hotel on First Avenue East.

Officers were called after a man asking for money and claiming to have lost his wallet refused to leave a business on West Idaho Street. He was gone when police arrived.

A shadow outside a bathroom window on Second Street West prompted a call to police by the resident.

Teenagers were accused of “bogging and spinning brodies” in a vehicle near Grandview Drive. They were gone when police arrived.

A woman thought her vehicle had been vandalized on Sunset Boulevard, but officers determined it was hit with a golf ball.

A wallet was reported stolen on First Avenue East.

Someone was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia on Wolfpack Way.

A peaceful, if not literate, vandal painted the words “World Peace, Local Plece Repent” on a trailer on U.S. 2 West in West Glacier, prompting a call to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. A bathroom mirror was also broken.

An argument between teenage brothers on Jolly Hill Road in Marion prompted a call to deputies by a concerned neighbor.

The roof shingles of a school building on East Evergreen Drive were damaged and a window was broken.

Computer hacking was reported by a resident of U.S. 2 East outside Kalispell.

A tow dolly was reported stolen from a business on U.S. 93 South after someone rented it and didn’t return. Tires were stolen from a tow dolly at a separate business on U.S. 2 East.

A vehicle with no license plate or title was stolen from the Ferndale Mobile Park in Bigfork.

A magazine salesman was accused of becoming angry and belligerent after a resident on Mountain View Drive refused to buy what he was selling. Deputies were unable to locate the man.

A small black dog was picked up on U.S. 2 East in Evergreen and taken to a shelter.

Someone on U.S. 35 called deputies when a $100 bill went missing while friends were visiting.

A 15-year-old was accused of throwing furniture at his mother on Frontage Road. He left the residence before deputies responded.

Two laptop computers and two iPods were stolen from a home on Commerce Street in Bigfork.