Man arrested for hitting woman at bar
Kalispell Police officers arrested a man after he allegedly struck a woman in the face with a beer bottle at a bar on Woodland Park Drive. The woman was treated for a facial laceration. The man fled, but was later apprehended and is likely to be charged with assault with a weapon and resisting arrest.
Officers responded when a fire alarm was activated at a business on Hutton Ranch Road. An employee said a customer had pulled the alarm before leaving, and that he got her license plate number and wanted to file a complaint.
A man on Seventh Avenue East North called police because someone keeps delivering a weekly newspaper and he didn’t want it and doesn’t want to keep cleaning it up. An officer called the newspaper and the man’s name was removed from its delivery list.
Vomiting and only semi-conscious, a drunk man was found lying on the ground behind a business on U.S. 93 South. Another possibly drunk man was found lying next to garbage cans on Ninth Avenue West.
A woman was arrested on a felony warrant near Fifth Avenue West.
From a locked bedroom at a home on Seventh Avenue West, a woman called officers and said a man was in her home with his mother-in-law in violation of a restraining order. The man was arrested.
The window of a building on West Center Street was shot.
Someone reported the theft of a boy’s skateboard at Woodland Park.
Two men were reported for allegedly harassing a woman on Rosewood Drive about buying car insurance. The men had been reported the day before for asking for the woman’s bank account information.
Two people were reported for indecent exposure after someone saw them in a car at a parking lot near the intersection of North Meridian Road and West Center Street.
A purse was taken from an unlocked vehicle near Sherwood Lane.
A vehicle was keyed while parked near North Meridian Road.
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office was unable to substantiate a report from a Bigfork resident who claimed to see flashing lights over the mountains from U.S. 2 East. The caller said it could be “a UFO mother ship.”
Harassment was alleged when a man claimed that another man rode past him on a bicycle on Solberg Drive and threatened to let his pit bull attack him.
Threats were also reported on Newbury Circle where one neighbor was angry at another for reporting his barking dogs to the sheriff’s office.
Two boys allegedly entered a home on Conn Road without permission. The caller eventually decided to handle the situation through a talk with their mother.
Theft was reported after someone used a Dumpster that didn’t belong to them on Conestoga Road.
The owner of a building on Fonner Road called deputies after a tenant made maintenance work difficult for him.
A process server was bitten by a dog near U.S. 2 West outside Columbia Falls.
Someone stole a dirtbike from a home on East Reserve Drive.
A remote-control car, missing since July, was reported stolen on Adobe Drive.
Two horses were seen standing in the middle of Helena Flats Road.
A deer seen caught in a fence near Echo Lake was gone when deputies arrived.
A vehicle was keyed while parked at Caroline Road.