The Glacier Challenge: A relay race with a mission
The Glacier Challenge, a multi-sport relay celebrating its ninth year of competition on Saturday, is not only new and improved for 2011, but it's also bigger and better than ever.
A total of 87 entries (45 teams, 14 partners and 28 solos) have registered thus far. Last year the event had 71.
"It's is going to be a record (year)," race director Hannah Plumb said.
"We've added some new components to it, have more out-of-towners this year."
Those new components include and obstacle course for children (ages 5-12) on the tennis courts at Riverside Park on Saturday.
Also new this year is a Friday evening social at Riverside Park from 5:30-7:30 There will be live music, racers can pick up their packets at this time, there will be a Mexican buffet by Qdoba ($10 per person) and Great Northern Brewery will have keg on site.
The improved portion of this event is the chip timing by Competitive Timing.
The cost to participate (includes late fee) is $95 for solo, $145 for partner and $270 per team. The registration deadline is 5 p.m. today.
"All the money is donated, as in past years, and it goes to the Flathead Youth Home," Plumb said.
"This year to make the connection a little stronger, what we did is we asked racers to help raise a little bit of money (with pledges). We have one team that has risen way above the others - Team Awesome. They have raised more than $1,300."
Members of Team Awesome are Sarah Bergford, Ashley McCurdy, Lea Shanks, Lori Madden, Emily Krock, Hailey Moore and Tomi Bick.
Individuals or businesses wishing to make a contribution, or make a pledge with a team, can still do so by contacting Plumb at 755-4622.
Plumb said The Glacier Challenge made about $6,000 six years ago while it cost $3,000 to put the event on.
"Not a great profit for a lot of work," she said.
"In the last five years I have been with The Glacier Challenge, we have raised $24,000 and kept our cost at about the same ($3,000). This year we are investing a significant amount of money in chip timing and some other additions, so our costs will go up, but we hope our revenue will, too."
The relay begins at 7:30 a.m. and consists of a run (6.55 miles), kayak (1.98), road bike I (13), mountain bike (8.26), road bike II (9.76) canoe (4.03) and ends with a run (2.54).
The relay starts and finishes at Riverside Park.