FVCC science workshop open to teachers
The Flathead Valley Community College Continuing Education Center will offer a two-day science workshop for area kindergarten through sixth-grade educators who need teacher renewal units.
The workshop will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 4 and 5. The cost to attend is $35, and 10 teacher renewal units will be available.
The workshop will examine the use of inquiry skills in questioning, assessment, experimental design and notebooking while engaging students in interactive, inquiry-based activities.
Strategies will include how to implement student science notebooks in the classroom, effective ways to increase student understanding of inquiry and science content and how to enhance literacy skills. Participants will learn how to apply strategies that will improve student learning and meet the new essential learning expectations for science.
The workshop will be led by Colleen Zeglin, a consultant and certified Montana educator who specializes in helping educators apply a brain-based approach to teaching science in traditional and extended learning environments. She is a former instructor and director of educational activities at the Casper Planetarium in Wyoming.
Zeglin also serves as a consultant for Delta Education for the Full Option Science System and Delta Science Modules programs.
To register or for more information about the workshop, visit the college website at www.fvcc.edu/continuing-education/ or call 756-3832.