Sunday, January 05, 2025

Dog: Blackie

by Submitted by: Karly (Carol) Lampe
| July 30, 2011 9:00 PM

Just would like to let you know about the cat vs. dog theory. Well, I've had both wonderful animals with almost human thinking but you make the choice on that one. Both of mine were very exceptional in their own right.

Dog: Blackie

Blackie was a Chihuahua/Terrior cross, black with some gray hairs sticking out on the side, like a walking shaggy carpet. He was another unique animal. I had saved him from an abusive family and from some other dogs that would have killed him if I hadn't picked him up off the streets at the time and taken him home, a long time ago.  

He is gone now. Jan. 20 of this year I had to put him to sleep because of health issues. He also was very devoted to me as well. He had protected me from men who he thought were not good choices for me, and ... they were not. They were bad choices. Blackie had picked out my current husband, who also likes animals. My dog chose him out from all the others I had been dating, and letting me know his opinion by the way he was acting towards them, growling and snapping at a couple of them. He would do this only with certain people, as if he he knew what they were like inside, and he had an uncanny way of knowing who was a good person and who was not.   Also, If I would think about something I wanted him to do, he would do it, without so much as saying, "Yes, I know."

He was by my side and with me everywhere for over almost 10 years. My current hubby is the only one who Blackie had jumped into his lap and laid down with him, on his lap, like he was saying, "This is the one you should have." Others he wouldn't even go to. Makes you wonder; but he knew.

I thank God and Blackie for my husband. My man is a very good person and loves me the way a man should love a wife and his woman.

I miss my Blackie very much.