Sunday, January 05, 2025

It's time to reject foolishness and federal tyranny

by Jack Deason
| July 30, 2011 5:00 PM

America used to be the land of opportunity, the melting pot where people from different countries and cultures escaped oppression and tyranny for the freedoms and the chance to make their dreams come true.

The immigrants who contributed to America’s greatness through hard work — and previously suppressed creativity — assimilated and became Americans. The great American stew was comprised of people from every country, culture and ethnicity all blended together and working together to make the United States of America the greatest nation in history.

Over the last one hundred years progressives disguised as liberals have thrown out the recipe for the stew that made America great and replaced it with the recipe for our demise, the un-American fruit cake, lots of flavors and ingredients that refuse to blend and fight to retain their identity and culture. Often bringing with them the same ideology they sought to escape.

Our immigration policies have brought in people who want to take from America and undermine its greatness, people who aren’t seeking religious freedom but colonists, trying to impose their religious tyranny. People who are not looking for opportunities to achieve but are looking for opportunities to take the benefits from the citizens who have earned them. With real unemployment and under-employment closer to 20 percent, we shouldn’t allow any immigration at all.

The re-distributive policies of the radical left, led by Obama, Pelosi and Reid have brought us to the brink of economic disaster. They promised no taxes on the middle class and the poor but their economic and monetary policies have devalued our currency and created inflation that is an economic burden to every citizen — rich, poor and in between. Just stop at the gas pump or the grocery store, virtually everything has gone up.

Don’t worry though, this ship of fools has another plan, another stimulus and QE3 (another round of “quantitative easing”). Either these people along with the minions who blindly follow are so incompetent they don’t know what they are doing or they are so smart they are deliberately sabotaging our economy and our nation.

The federal government is destroying the entrepreneurial spirit of our nation, and the jobs and economic prosperity generated by this spirit. Unfortunately, it could get worse. With the help of our two Montana senators, the radical-left progressive Democrats have passed or are trying to pass laws and regulations that will regulate every aspect of our lives. They are carefully disguised with feel-good names like the food safety bill or the clean water acts or clean air acts — who wouldn’t be for these things? But when you look deeper you find that these bills give the power to the federal government to regulate every aspect of your lives.

In one state, the EPA wanted to fine a farmer for dust created during plowing. The EPA also wanted to ban farmers from burning their harvested fields. In Texas they are attempting to close the oil fields in West Texas because it may be habitat for some lizard. In California they shut off the irrigation water to a large part of the San Joaquin Valley to preserve the Delta Smelt, and one farmer lost his land because he killed a rat.

These are just a few examples, and in every case the federal government has acted against the citizens it is supposed to serve.We have not experienced this level of tyranny since the 18th century when tyranny led to revolution.

In Montana more and more land is taken by the federal government, jobs are lost and our economy suffers. There is currently a lawsuit to restore the population of the buffalo, but where will they live? Environmentalists have been trying to get the sage grouse and the prairie dog on the endangered species list — what would that do to the ranchers in this state? Our governor and our senators talk about bringing jobs to this state, but the governor vetoed bills that would have done just that and our senators pass wilderness bills that tie up more of our land, then watch as their environmental comrades file lawsuits in courts where judges appointed by their socialist Democrat brothers close the forests to lumber harvesting, mining and recreation. They don’t want real jobs here, just token service jobs. Their policies and votes prove it. They won’t be happy until all the people are driven out of this state.

There is a large group of informed and engaged citizens actively fighting to protect our freedom and liberty, loosely organized as Tea Party groups as well as other Patriot groups. The candidates they supported and elected are what has slowed down an out-of-control federal government and an unresponsive state government.

We need more of these kind of candidates. Candidates who put the Constitution and the people they represent ahead of political and party ideology. We need to replace the socialist Democrat elitists who know what’s best for us and wish to rule us along with the Republican leadership who has forgotten what they stand for and who don’t have the heart or courage to stand up for what is right and have willingly compromised away our freedom and liberty.

When we have a government that has abandoned the Constitution and the rights of the people, it is the responsibility of the states and the citizens to stop the tyranny. Here in Montana, we must have a strong state government that is willing to make us self-sufficient as a state and stand against unconstitutional federal tyranny.


Jack Deason is a resident of Kalispell.