John Phelps
Seeking re-election to three-year term representing Columbia Falls, Bigfork, Whitefish high school districts on FVCC board.
Occupation: Retired attorney; incumbent trustee
Background/Education: B.A., Wichita State University, Juris Doctor, University of Kansas School of Law. More than 30 years as an attorney representing public agencies including serving as Whitefish City Attorney. Served as a trustee since 2007.
Reason for Running: Phelps said the college is doing well and he wants to continue to see it move forward.
He has a special interest in long-term planning for growth in successful areas such as the nursing program. During his career, Phelps said he developed an expertise in areas of law governing public bodies.
Much of his time was spent helping boards. Phelps said he found those legal skills paid off for him in a big way during his four years as a trustee.