Two candidates seek Kalispell school board seat
There are two candidates for a three-year seat on Kalispell Public Schools’ board of trustees.
Tom Clark is the incumbent and Greg Harris the challenger in a race for a full term.
The winner will represent the West Valley, Smith Valley, Pleasant Valley, Marion and Olney-Bissell districts on Kalispell’s high school board.
Polls are open Tuesday at 7 a.m. at West Valley School, 8 a.m. at Smith Valley School and noon at Pleasant Valley, Marion and Olney-Bissell schools. All polling sites close at 8 p.m.
Name: Tom Clark
Occupation: Owner, Kalispell Plumbing and Heating
Background/experience: Has served on the Kalispell school board for the last three years; West Valley Land Use Advisory Board member for four years; West Valley school board trustee for six years; Kalispell Youth Softball board member for four years; co-chairman with his wife, Angie, of the West Valley Neighborhood Bike Path Committee; next year he will have two children at Flathead High School
Why he’s running: “We’re going to have some difficult times in the next few years with funding for the schools. I think with my experience, I’m a growing asset to the board. I understand school funding, I understand being a business owner and I understand — especially being in the construction industry — the economy in the valley.
“There needs to be balance. We need to adequately fund our schools but also take into account the lack of money people have to put forward, especially with the increase in property taxes. ...
“I have a very good relationship with the rest of the school board members, with Superintendent [Darlene] Schottle and Assistant Superintendent [Dan] Zorn.”
Name: Greg Harris
Occupation: Owner, Grizzly Security Armored Express; owner, Grizzly Security Alarms; 50 percent owner of Grizzly Security ShredEx
Background/experience: In charge of security for Kalispell Regional Medical Center, Winter Sports Inc. and Glacier National Park; five children have attended Kalispell schools (two are still there); has bought meals for football and wrestling teams and donated a professional ice machine to Flathead High School and interactive whiteboards and a pressurized water machine to Glacier High School
Why he’s running: “I know how to run people and run budgets. I think we’re lacking leadership in the school and times have changed. The tax base is being eroded. People do not know if they are going to have jobs from day to day, week to week. People are losing homes, walking out of homes. It’s a different time and age.
“I want kids to have the best education. I am passionately upset when administrators say the first thing they’re going to do is cut kids’ events, then go after teachers. I want the best education for the kids.
“The administration has to understand that when you don’t have money, just like you and me in the checkbook, you cannot go around spending money you don’t have. It’s something they don’t realize and don’t practice, even though they say they do. ...
“I’m passionate toward taxpayers, children and the teachers. The administration has to come up with new ideas for raising money and cutting back.”