Monday, March 10, 2025

Another talented field for Archie Roe

by Dillon Tabish Daily Inter Lake
| May 7, 2011 2:00 AM

Around this time of year, longtime Flathead track coach Dan Hodge likes to see his athletes participate in a big, competitive meet.

That's pretty much the definition of the Archie Roe Invitational.

"I call it a stress meet, and we need one of those this time of year - really competitive," Hodge said. "And that's what we're going to have."

Most of Western Montana's top track talent gathers today at this year's 37th installment of one of the state's mainstay meets at Legends Stadium.

Events are scheduled to start at 10 a.m. with 15 teams competing in varsity, junior varsity and freshman competitions in each. A short ceremony beforehand will take place honoring longtime FHS supporter John King. King and his family have helped fund local track at the high school and lower levels over the past 30-plus years, Hodge said.

With only three weeks until state, the track season is officially in full stride and today's gathering could act as a preview of what to expect in the end, as usual.

Historically, the Archie Roe meet has been as competitive as prep track meets get, with roughly 1,000 athletes competing and near-state records being set while others date back over 30 years.

"There's going to be some of the state's top notch performers in each individual event," Hodge said.

Kalispell resident and former Flathead standout Lexie Miller Beck still holds the oldest meet record with a time of 14.4 in the 100 hurdles set in 1979.

In a rainy meet last year, two records were broken. Flathead junior Tess Brenneman set a new mark in the long jump, landing 18-7. Drew Owens of Missoula Big Sky set a new top time in the 300 hurdles with 38.91.

Today's meet could have a similar situation weather-wise. The forecast has a 70 percent chance of rain with a potential 10 mile-per-hour wind. Temperatures are expected to hover around 60 degrees.

Archie Roe

Meet Records


100 - 10.70, Craig Galle, Flathead, 1995

200 - 21.90, Ralph Dempsey, Cut Bank, 1991

400 - 49.25, Cody Henning, Whitefish, 2004

800 - 1:55.90, David Vidal, Flathead, 2001

1600 - 4:17.40, David Vidal, Flathead, 2000

3200 - 9:23.90, Seth Watkins, Flathead, 2001

110 hurdles - 14.10, Jamison Banna, Flathead, 1988

300 hurdles - 38.91, Drew Owens, Missoula Big Sky, 2010

400 relay - 42.90, Missoula Hellgate (Mark Terrazas, Robb Hollenbeck, Mike Molloy, Joe Thompson), 2002

1600 relay - 3:23.80, Whitefish (Justin Scoggin, Chris Hicks, Cody Henning, Matt Helgath), 2004

Long jump - 22-7 1/2, Trevor Gunlock, Polson, 2000

Triple jump - 46-8 1/2, David Schwenk, Missoula Big Sky, 1998

High jump - 7-0, Mark Koefelda, Missoula Hellgate, 1993

Pole vault - 15-6, Cort Rogers, Whitefish, 2007

Shot put - 60-5 1/2, Scott Steckel, Havre, 1980

Discus - 187-7, Lee Tillman, Havre, 1987

Javelin - 206-4, Nate Bach, Thompson Falls, 2005


100 - 12.5, Michelle Cartwright, Havre, 1985; Kim Kindle, Eureka, 1995

200 - 25.8, Emily Alspaugh, Missoula Hellgate, 1999

400 - 57.29, Chantelle Grey, Missoula Sentinel, 2009

800 - 2:16.3, Kasey Harwood, Polson, 2003

1600 - 5:07.3, Zoe Nelson, Flathead, 2004

3200 - 10:27.9, Zoe Nelson, Flathead, 2004

100 hurdles - 14.4, Lexie Miller, Flathead, 1979; Claudine Robinson, Missoula Hellgate, 1989

300 hurdles - 44.91, Kasey Harwood, Polson, 2003

400 relay - 49.66, Flathead (Brittany Berger, Cricket Johnston, Molly Burt, Krista Jimenez), 2003

1600 relay - 4:03.1, Flathead (Ashley Younkin, Jenae Lister, Nicole Hall, Shannon Ross), 2007

Shot put - 44-6 1/4, Laine Botchek, Missoula Big Sky, 1999

Discus - 148-9, Bree Fuga, Polson, 1999

Javelin (new) - 153-9, Marissa Tschida, Missoula Loyola, 2005

High jump - 5-9, Brenda Naber, Havre, 1992

Long jump - 18-7, Tess Brenneman, Flathead, 2010

Triple jump - 37-4 1/4, Kasey Harwood, Polson, 2004

Pole vault - 12-3, Melinda Owen, Polson, 2003