Mine comment period extended until Dec. 21
The public comment period has been extended for a mining project near Libby.
The Kootenai National Forest and Montana Department of Environmental Quality have extended until Dec. 21 the comment period for the Montanore Mine Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
This a large and complex document, according to a news release, so the agencies want to allow more time for the public and other agencies to formulate and submit their complete and detailed comments.
The Montanore Project is a proposed copper and silver underground mine about 18 miles south of Libby near the Cabinet Mountains of northwestern Montana.
The federal and state agencies released a draft environmental impact statement for the Montanore Project on Feb. 27, 2009.
In response to public comment, the agencies revised mine alternatives and transmission line alignments. Most of the changes to the mine alternatives address water quality. The agencies’ proposed monitoring and mitigation plans also were revised.
Written comments must be postmarked, e-mailed, faxed or otherwise submitted by Dec. 21. An electronic version of the environmental impact statement is available online at www.fs.usda.gov/goto/kootenai/projects and at www.deq.mt.gov.
Written comments and questions should be submitted to either the Kootenai National Forest or the Montana Department of Environmental Quality .
Comments can be sent to Lynn Hagarty, Kootenai National Forest, 31374 U.S. Highway 2, Libby MT 59923-3022 (email: r1_montanore@fs.fed.us) or to Kristi Ponozzo, DEQ MEPA Coordinator, P.O. Box 200901, Helena MT 59620-090 (e-mail: deqmontanoreEIS@mt.gov).