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Republicans want to make life better for 'Bob Cratchit'

by John Merlette
| December 22, 2012 10:00 PM

In his Daily Inter Lake opinion letter published on Dec. 9, David James tried to make a case that Republicans fit the role of the fictional character of Scrooge in the Charles Dickens classic, “A Christmas Carol.” Mr. James describes a fictional world populated by evil business owners and Republicans hell-bent to destroy the middle class of America with the only salvation coming from a Marxist army of labor unions.

Let me set the record straight, Mr. James.

The world that Charles Dickens lived in was a Victorian Age ruled by an autocratic monarchy that had little interest in the poor. To say that is the type of country Republicans are striving for today is irresponsibly deceptive. Freedom and equal opportunity for all didn’t come about until the Founding Fathers created our constitutional republic.

Instead of being a work slave of Mr. Scrooge, Bob Cratchit would have choices today he did not have in Dickens’ time. In America today, Tiny Tim’s father would be free to leave the employ of Scrooge and apply for work at other accounting firms. Bob Cratchit could even start his own small business and reap the rewards of his creativity and hard work provided he wasn’t overwhelmed with the burdens of taxes and bureaucratic regulations that suck energy and time from such endeavors.

If his infirm son, Tiny Tim, were alive today, the boy would benefit from the world’s best health-care system that was created in an environment of free-market capitalism. Contrary to Mr. James’ political bias, American business owners and management have bent over backwards to make employment a rewarding experience for their workers. Republicans likewise strive to create a business climate that protects and grows our economy, and to say otherwise is deceitful.

When I was a business owner, I established a college tuition reimbursement program for all my employees which came out of my profits. I was under no obligation to do so. I did it because I cared for my employees and wanted to help them succeed in life.

If you really delve into the facts and history, Mr. James, you will find it is the liberals in government who are ignoring the protections guaranteed by our Constitution and taking us back to worrisome times.

I was pleasantly surprised that Mr. James had the courage to mention the word “Christmas” which is so offensive to many liberals. As Tiny Tim said: “God bless us everyone.” Speaking of Christmas cheer, I was further encouraged by one particular statement made by Mr. James, one that conservatives have long argued for.

He states: “If you can’t read the ballot, know enough about... economic arguments..., or the history of our country and its laws, how can you make an intelligent decision about who should lead our country?” Thank you, Mr. James, for endorsing a voter qualification exam and registration program to prevent uninformed citizens from stealing the elections away from knowledgeable and aware voters.

Finally, of the different political systems mentioned by Mr. James, the constitutional republic of the United States was the only one that created such a large, successful middle class. Socialist governments throughout history invariably destroy existing middle classes even though liberals claim the opposite so as to garner votes and support.

Like sheep, the middle class of today’s America has allowed itself to become slaves to the power-hungry politicians in Washington, D.C., who keep the majority of Americans dependent on the government for their very survival, just like Bob Cratchit was to Ebenezer Scrooge.

John Merlette is a resident of Bigfork.