Monday, October 07, 2024

City departments hold bike rodeo

by Tom Lotshaw
| June 11, 2012 7:03 PM

Weather permitting, Kalispell’s fire, police and parks departments host a “bike rodeo” Saturday to help area youngsters learn how to be safe while riding around.

“This is something we’re trying to do every year,” Fire Chief Dave Dedman said.

“We’ve done it once before but missed last year. We’re hoping to get it going again this year and continue on.”

The event is in the Super 1 Foods parking lot on First Avenue East in Kalispell.

Firefighters will help children check their bicycles to make sure they have the proper reflectors and working brakes, are the right size and mechanically sound.

One course set up in the parking lot will help children learn to look both ways and safely exit driveways, “the No. 1 place where kids get hit,” Dedman said.

A second will teach them to maneuver around obstacles, stop at stop signs and look for traffic behind themselves without veering off course as they continue riding forward.

“Common everyday things,” Dedman said.

The fire department has about 50 donated helmets to give away and a couple of free bikes to raffle off.

Sponsors include Bikology, Pepsi, Super 1 Foods and Sweet Peaks ice cream, so drinks, hot dogs and ice cream will be available.

The Flathead City County Health Department also is helping.

Some fire units will be on hand, allowing children to tour fire trucks.

The bicycle rodeo is open to all ages, “from training wheels on up,” Dedman said.

“If we have just one child out there that actually is in an accident and was wearing a helmet that helped, then we’ve been successful. And this time of year all the kids are out of school and out playing,” he said.

The event is scheduled to run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 16.

Reporter Tom Lotshaw may be reached at 758-4483 or by email at