Thursday, October 10, 2024

Facebook posting leads cops to partiers

by Daily Inter Lake
| June 17, 2012 9:08 PM

About 30 people were cited for underage drinking Saturday night when Kalispell Police Department officers broke up a big party on Wind River Drive. The costume party had been promoted on Facebook, according to a caller who reported it to police.

Saturday afternoon, the jail was reportedly too full for a woman with a felony warrant for writing bad checks. A caller reported seeing the woman at a casino on U.S. 93.

A man headed to Canada dropped his gun off with police for safekeeping.

An officer asked some children to move a lemonade stand back from the road after someone reported them running into the street at Fourth Avenue East and 11th Street East.

A caller reported someone for using a possibly stolen credit card at a business on U.S. 93.

A caller on Hutton Ranch Road reported another man for parking in a handicapped spot without a sticker. The caller said the other man followed him into the store and yelled at him but left after the caller threatened to use a stun gun on the man if he came any closer.

An irate customer at a store on U.S. 2 was advised to leave and not return.

Saturday evening, a teenager with a mohawk was reportedly harassing people at the mall and asked to leave.

The jail was reportedly too full for a man with a felony warrant for a parole violation. A caller reported seeing the man on U.S. 93.

Someone reported a man urinating outside his truck on Liberty Street. The man denied it and no one was willing to sign for charges against him.

A woman on First Avenue West told police that a young man with a mohawk and “very scary eyes” tried to get into her car.

A caller at Second Avenue West and Seventh Street West reported a young man with a mohawk standing on the sidewalk and staring at the caller’s wife while breathing heavy. Police dropped the young man off with his mother and advised he would be leaving for rehab Sunday.

A laptop was reported stolen on U.S. 93.

A woman at South Woodland Drive and Kelly Road said a man in a white Honda Civic stopped and asked her 11-year-old daughter if she would like to have sex with him.

Police responded to a physical disturbance on East Oregon Street.

Saturday night, someone reported kids being “stupid” and doing burnouts in a parking lot on West Idaho Street.

Sunday morning, a vehicle was reported stolen on Fourth Avenue East.

A man was cited and released after not paying for a cab.

Later that morning, a jacket left on a motorcycle was reported stolen on Fourth Avenue East.

Two large flower pots sitting in front of a South Main Street business were reported stolen.

Saturday morning, a woman on Fifth Avenue East North complained about noise at a possible drug house to the Columbia Falls Police Department. She said she has to keep her dog inside because of the people coming and going all night.

A 1-year-old was locked in a car on Martha Road that afternoon. A towing company opened the vehicle.

Whitefish Police Department officers investigated a hit-and-run accident reported Saturday morning on West 18th Street.

Early Sunday morning, officers responded to a trespass reported on West Sixth Street.

Deputies with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office arrested someone for a partner family member assault early Saturday morning on Pine Wood Drive.