Friday, May 17, 2024

Foreclosed home burgarlized

| March 31, 2012 10:00 PM

Officers with the Kalispell Police Department transported an older woman to the Kalispell Regional Medical Center for a mental health evaluation after picking her up when she was reported walking down Third Avenue East without any clothes on.

A North Meridian Road resident reported a man tried to break into their home, banging on the door twice before trying to get in through the bedroom window.

Someone shot at a window on East Idaho Street.

Three lights were broken out in a tunnel on Four Mile Drive.

A woman was reported trying to break into a truck on Lambert Court.

A Third Avenue East resident reported three teenage boys stealing copper pieces off their fence.

Someone burglarized a foreclosed home on Aurich Avenue.

The Columbia Falls Police Department received a report from a parent whose son was solicited to buy drugs by another student while at school.

Two bicycles were stolen on Seventh Street West.

Officers with the Whitefish Police Department arrested a motorist during a traffic stop on U.S. 93 South.

Officers arrested a person while investigating a vehicle on East Second Street.

A theft was reported on Spokane Avenue.

The Polson Police Department uncovered an assault while doing a liquor law compliance check on Seventh Street East.

Officers later arrested a person for illegal possession of alcohol while investigating a report of suspicious activity at the same location.