Woman charged with partner assault
Flathead County Sheriff’s Office deputies charged a woman with partner or family member assault after she called and said she had a broken ankle after her boyfriend beat her up and that he was trying to run her over. According to Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry, the man also had wounds and the woman was determined to have been the aggressor in the incident.
A girl accused of harassing another girl contacted the victim on Facebook, saying “I can’t believe you called the cops, grow up, they can’t do anything anyways,” before being served that day with a restraining order for which the victim had already filed.
A group of four young adults were reported leaving a location on U.S. 2 West in Kalispell extremely intoxicated. The person who reported the group said they could smell the alcohol on the youths while they were stumbling through a business.
A trio of boaters were rescued from Flathead Lake after the boat’s motor died and wouldn’t start. The boat, which was stuck, was left to be hauled in the following morning.
A U.S. 2 East man received a fraudulent phone call from a person claiming to be calling from the court and telling him he had several warrants out for his arrest.
Several youths running a lemonade stand on Fourth Avenue West North were reported trying to get attention by running back and forth across the street in front of cars. It turned out the children were crossing the road to catch their dog.
An employee was reported to have stolen cash from the office of an inn in Essex as well as to have stolen a company vehicle. The suspect is believed to have been heading toward Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
An anonymous report of a man slumped over the wheel in his truck on Gopher Lane in Marion, possibly drunk, turned out to be a sober man waiting for his friends to show up.
A large and still-growing transient camp was reported on the west side of Rails to Trails, very visible from the road, near Ashley Creek.
A person was reported traveling at between 80 and 100 miles per hour down Brunner Road in Columbia Falls on an all-terrain vehicle.
A person called in wanting to know about the process for registering specific types of knives with the sheriff’s office.
The Kalispell Police Department received three calls from a drunk man before he was eventually told to stop calling 911 unless he had an emergency. In his first call, the man, who was very difficult to understand, said he used to kill people and didn’t want to kill his nephew, who left when the man said he was calling the police. The man said his nephew was pushing him around.
On his second call, the man said he didn’t “want to forgive this time,” that he wanted to go get his telephone, and that his nephew had it. The man said little in the third call, as dispatch refused to deal with him unless he had an emergency. He was advised during all three calls to come in and file a complaint or call the police department — once he was sober.
An Empire Loop girl reported an elderly peeping Tom who she caught looking through her bedroom window before getting into a red vehicle and leaving. He was described as being an older man with wrinkles, dark hair in a pony tail and wearing a denim jacket.
A report of a man trying to run over a woman on 12th Street East turned out to be quite the opposite. The woman was trying to get the man’s attention as he was driving away so he would stop and take her to the hospital because she cut her hands while doing a construction project.
A very drunk man got some assistance in getting home after he was seen falling down in the middle of Second Avenue West, trying to carry what looked like a 30-pack of beer.
A passerby concerned about possible prostitution activity reported a transient at the intersection of Hutton Ranch Road and U.S. 93 North. The man was holding a sign that said “broke and ugly but selling myself for money.” An officer reported the sign was not inappropriate.
An Empire Loop woman reported a suspicious heavyset man in a brown coat showed up at her door saying he was new to the area and looking for new friends.
The Whitefish Police Department was called out to handle a vigilante group walking around downtown looking for the suspect who assaulted another person at a Central Avenue bar. The victim of the assault was getting a CT scan done when officers tried to contact him at the hospital. The person who reported the vigilante group said she believed the victim had a broken jaw.
The Columbia Falls Police Department received a report from an irate Eighth Street West man who said “illegal Mexicans” living in a nearby house were blasting him out of his house with several car stereos. The noise turned out to be the result of two legal Americans trying to hook up some stereo speakers who agreed to keep it down.
Polson Police Department officers arrested a man for obstructing a peace officer on Kerr Dam.