Rest of schools opening on Tuesday
Several Flathead Valley schools are waiting until after Labor Day to begin school for the 2013-14 school year.
v Bigfork
The first day of school for Bigfork School District is Sept. 3. Hot meals will be served on this day. Breakfast costs $1.50. Lunch for kindergarten through sixth grade is $2.25. Lunch for seventh through 12th grade is $2.75.
All students must register to ride the school bus each year. Register online at under “departments,” then “transportation” or call 837-7429.
— Bigfork Elementary/Middle School can enjoy a new community garden across from the school.
Middle school students have two new electives this year: speech and debate and Lifesports. Eighth graders also have two options to earn high school credits.
Regular school days are from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
There are currently 61 kindergarteners enrolled.
New staff members at the school include Emily Glascock, kindergarten; Kelli Whalen, kindergarten; Jennifer Gustavson, kindergarten; Kathryn Osgood, second grade; Kathleen Gomel, middle school English; Shannon Appleby, sixth-grade English and middle school elective; and Julia Juechter, school psychologist and behavior specialist.
— Bigfork High School is holding freshman orientation 6 p.m. Aug. 28 in the gym.
The high school welcomes new staff members Jodie Carter, math; Leann Tillmann, special education; and Josh Downey, activities director.
Bigfork High School has added girls swimming and boys wrestling to its sports offerings.
Over the summer, the building has been freshened up with new paint, room markers, stair treads and tile.
New students may register by contacting guidance counselor Christina Nadeau at 837-7420, extension 226. Registration forms are available at
v Fair-Mont-Egan
Fair-Mont-Egan students start school Sept. 3. An estimated 20 children will enter kindergarten this year. The school is accepting out-of-district students at no tuition charge.
Several improvements have been made at the school over the summer. A new sand volleyball court was put in near the playground. Ductless heating and cooling pumps were installed in the west-side classrooms. Technology improvements also were made. The district will begin using Google Docs for email, the calendar and school website. The new website is
New staffers at Fair-Mont-Egan include teachers Jessica Laferriere, kindergarten; Mylea Olesen, second grade; Elizabeth Douglas, sixth grade, Sally Rohletter, eighth grade; and Elizabeth Fetterhoff, Title I.
v Kalispell Montessori
Kalispell Montessori starts school Sept. 3. This year, the school is offering Spanish instruction. The school welcomes new elementary I teacher Angela Hong and Spanish teacher Andrea Johnson.
Over the break, elementary II teacher David Cummings become certified to teach the middle school level in Montessori education. The school is hoping to offer a seventh- and eighth-grade level for the 2014-15 school year.
Enrollment at the school is at 66 students. The school still is accepting new students. New students may arrange a tour by calling 755-3826.
v Kila
Kila School is starting the school year by offering kindergarten through eighth-grade Spanish. Amanda Aleman will teach Spanish in kindergarten through third grade and Lydia Major to fifth through eighth grade.
New staff members include Andrea Rossman, school counselor; Nawnie Pierce, special education; Erika Stratton, paraprofessional; and Judy Andrews, paraprofessional.
The first day of school is Sept. 3. Regular class times are from 8:30 to 3:20 p.m.
Hot meals will be served on the first day. Breakfast is $1.60 and lunch is $2.90.
Kindergarten enrollment is currently 17 students.
v Marion
Start and dismissal times are 15 minutes later this year. Regular school times are from 8:20 a.m. to 3:25 p.m.
The first day of school is Sept. 3. Hot meals will be served on the first day. Breakfast is $1.25 and lunch is $1.85.
Marion School welcomes new Principal Cherie Stobie. Stobie is new to the valley. Other new staff members include David Gomez, second grade; and Jan Houser, Title I.
Eleven kindergarteners are currently enrolled.
v Olney-Bissell
Olney-Bissell school welcomes new staff members Ryan Jones, first grade; Jason Mills, second grade and Jean Pickering paraprofessional.
The first day of school at Olney-Bissell is Sept. 3.
Regular class times are from 8:25 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students will have early dismissal times at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Olney-Bissell has more room this year with an addition that houses a multipurpose room and three rooms for offices and storage.
v Stillwater Christian
A new family luncheon is planned at noon Sept. 3 at Stillwater Christian School. An open house will follow from 1 to 3 p.m.
Stillwater Christian School’s first day is Sept. 5. Elementary school is from 8:10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on regular school days.
There is a new starting time for the middle school. Regular school days start at 8:05 a.m. A first-period homeroom has been eliminated. High school and middle school will be from 8:05 a.m. to 3 p.m.
After completing a year interning as a principal, Dana Hashley is the new high school and middle school principal at Stillwater. Hashley has spent 11 years teaching at Stillwater and seven years teaching in Kalispell Public Schools. Stillwater also welcomes new staff members Christy Fitzwater, Spanish; David Hembroff, physics, chemistry, modeling chemistry, Bible logic and middle school math; Brian Phillips, band and general music; Renee Wynne, admission representative; and Tracie Lindborg, director of curriculum.
Hot lunch is available the first day of school for $3.
Projected enrollment of kindergarteners is 20 students. Families interested in having their children attend Stillwater may call 752-4400 to tour the school.
v St. Matthew’s
A new after-school program will run from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Matthew’s this year.
Over the summer a new main office was completed.
St. Matthew’s School will start Sept. 3. Estimated kindergarten enrollment is 15 students. Regular school days are from 8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
v Trinity Lutheran
Sixth- and eighth-graders can learn some programming skills by participating in a new robotics club offered at Trinity Lutheran School. Parents can also look forward to a rejuvenated Parent Teacher Fellowship program.
The school theme this year is, “Christ is Alive: Christians in Action,” where students will explore different ways to serve and grow.
Trinity Lutheran welcomes staff members Craig Naylor, fifth- through eighth-grade band and sixth- through eighth-grade choir; Rebecca Unger, second- through fifth-grade music; and Kimberly Roobish, fifth- through eighth-grade math.
There are 25 students projected to enroll in the school’s half-day kindergarten. The first day of school is Sept. 3. The school year has been extended by five days and will end June 11. Regular class times are 8:25 a.m. to 3:25 p.m.
Lunch is $2.25.
Families are reminded to review updated appearance guidelines.
The school has open enrollment. Interested families should call the school to arrange a tour.
v Woodland Montessori
Woodland Montessori students start school Sept. 3. Family-style lunches are served starting the first day.
New flooring was installed in the Lilac classroom and a new security fence put in along College Avenue over the summer.
New Lilac class lead teachers include Angie Baker and Kendra Welder.
Ten kindergarteners are enrolled and attend mixed-age classrooms from 3- to 6-year-olds. School starts at 8:45 a.m. Before-school care starts at 7 a.m. After school care ends at 5:45 p.m.
v Whitefish Christian
Whitefish Christian Academy starts school Sept. 3. Kindergarten enrollment is currently at 18 students.
School is in session from 8:20 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. on regular school days. Pre-kindergarten starts at 8:30 p.m.
New teachers are Carrie Bennett, art; Linnea Wolf, P.E.; Kris Jones, math; and Kristin Person, science.
Over the summer a new staff parking lot was added, the Latin and history room was remodeled and new lockers were installed.
— compiled by Daily Inter Lake reporter Hilary Matheson