Monday, October 07, 2024

Westside casino, liquor store projects unveiled

by The Daily Inter Lake
| June 3, 2013 3:57 PM

Permit requests for a tavern with a casino and a liquor store with a casino that want to open on West Idaho Street are on the Kalispell Planning Board’s agenda Tuesday. 

So is a request for a planned unit development for two lots along U.S. 93 in south Kalispell — on the proposed site for a Fred’s Appliance Store.

All three requests are up for public hearings and consideration by the advisory planning board.

Julie Smith of Kila is asking Kalispell for a conditional-use permit to open Tree Frog Tavern in the former Sizzler building at 1250 U.S. 2. The building has been empty for four years along the west entrance into the city. 

Tree Frog Tavern would primarily operate as a restaurant and tavern. But it would have about 420 square feet set aside for an accessory casino. Plans call for 10 to 12 gaming machines, but up to 20 could be allowed.

Smith owns and operates Tiebuckers Pub and Eatery in Somers. That establishment would close after more than 20 years in business as she opens the new tavern in Kalispell.

“It’s been vacant for way too long and it needs a new life,” Smith said of the Sizzler building. “We’re very excited. We think we’d be a nice asset, a nice addition to Kalispell as far as dining and adult entertainment.”

Craig and Debbie Munro of Libby have a buy-sell agreement for the Roscos building at 1121 U.S. 2. Before closing the purchase they are requesting a conditional-use permit to open a retail liquor store and casino with up to 20 gaming machines in the 3,600-square-foot retail building near Gateway Community Center.

Their application was filed before Tree Frog Tavern’s application for an accessory casino and before a church that bought the nearby Gateway Cinema could start operating there, so it would meet Kalispell regulations saying casinos must be at least 300 feet away from another casino or a church, park or residential zone.

“The key time for the distance requirement is when a completed application was submitted,” a Kalispell Planning Department staff report says. In its reports, the department supports approval of both permit requests.

IN OTHER BUSINESS, Gardner Investments is asking Kalispell to approve a planned unit development zoning district for two commercial lots totaling 4.7 acres. The undeveloped lots are at the corner of U.S. 93 and United Drive. The one closest to the highway is the proposed site for Fred’s Appliance Store.

The site is south of a two-lot planned unit development Kalispell approved for Gardner Investments at the corner of U.S. 93 and Lower Valley Road. That’s the proposed site for a new Volkswagen dealership.

All four lots are part of 55 acres Gardner Investments owns in the area. The land was annexed with a permissive business zoning and a place holder that requires it to go through the planned unit development process.

Plans call for an internal road from Lower Valley to United Drive. That would provide internal access throughout the property and secondary access for most lots along the highway that are expected to have only right-in, right-out access. 

The two lots in question in this planned unit development would be accessed via United Drive.

Kalispell Planning Board members will vote on all three requests and forward recommendations to the Kalispell City Council for final consideration. Tuesday’s meeting starts at 6 p.m. in Kalispell City Hall, 201 First Ave. E. It is open to the public.

Reporter Tom Lotshaw may be reached at 758-4483 or by email at