Camp offers fun, education for parents, kids
Many parents have fond memories of summer days spent at camp, singing around a fire, canoeing and fishing with friends or doing arts and crafts.
Thanks to Cloverbud Camp, parents can make those same memories with their young children.
Geared for children ages 6 through 8, this 4-H camp at Loon Lake in Ferndale draws campers from five surrounding counties, in part due to its fun, educational and unique experience.
Unlike many other camps, parents or guardians are not only encouraged to attend — it is required.
“We do require that a parent or guardian attends with their children,” said Nori Pearce, Montana State University Extension agent for Lake County. “This is a pre-camp experience for younger kids, and this is likely the first time any of them have been to camp. The little ones sleep in the cabins with their parents, and it’s a great time to get closer.”
Although the camp is geared toward children currently in 4-H, Pearce said all children are welcome.
“We’ve had some people who weren’t in 4-H in the past, but you can still come,” Pearce said. “It may be that you’re on a waiting list, though. I’ll try to get all the 4-H kids in first, but it’s not a requirement; we do encourage you to join, but you don’t have to.”
Pearce said there is no waiting list for this year’s camp, and although registration closes Thursday, it is still possible to get in after the registration deadline.
“I don’t think we’re full this year, so there’s still a possibility of getting in,” Pearce said. “But the sooner you get your registration to me, the more likely it is that you’ll get in, and if you don’t, you can always look for next year’s camp or other activities we have to offer.”
Pearce said the camp usually has between 50 and 60 participants, including parents or guardians, and many of them are repeat campers.
“We have a lot of repeats,” Pearce said. “Kids are usually eligible to come three times, and there’s usually more kids than parents. Parents will bring two or three kids, but sometimes you have one kid with both parents, so it’s really hard to say just what you’ll end up with each year.”
Part of the reason campers keep returning is the relaxed and fun atmosphere that encourages parents and kids to spend time with each other without stress or distractions.
“The main focus is quality family time, and it’s a lot of fun,” Pearce said. “Parents are doing activities right alongside the kids and there are activities you can take home and work on, so it’s something you can enjoy even when camp’s over.”
That focus on family time is one thing that’s kept Pierce interested and involved over the years.
“I’ve been involved with the camp for the last five years, and I think it’s been going on for about 15,” she said. “What keeps me going is that family time, and watching people interact away from the stresses of daily life. There’s no television, and although there is cell service, most people turn them off while they’re there. It’s a vacation for everyone.”
Regular camp activities include fishing, canoeing or paddle boating in addition to arts and crafts. Not even bad weather can stop the fun.
“Last year it rained the whole time, but everyone still had a lot of fun and found ways to stay entertained,” Pearce said. “Everyone works together, and no one feels left out. There’s no distractions, and it’s good, clean family fun.”
Cloverbud Camp features a different theme each year and campers of all ages participate in educational activities geared toward that theme.
“This year the theme is ‘To Infinity and Beyond,’ and we’ll talk about space and the Mars Rover,” Pearce said. “They’ll build and launch paper rockets and do several different activities to learn about space. Everyone learns something; even parents come out saying they learned things.”
For older children, Pearce said there is another camp at Loon Lake June 18 through 20 this year.
“That camp is for kids from nine to 13 and it’s for 4-H members only,” she said. “It’s a really popular camp with everyone and has swimming, tutored crafting, dance classes, archery and so on. It’s planned and put on by older 4-H members and extension agents just oversee it to make sure everything goes smoothly.”
For youths who are not involved in 4-H, Pearce said there are many other activities, such as shooting sports camps, that go on throughout the year.
“There’s usually something going on at Loon Lake at least once a month,” Pearce said. “It’s a privately owned camp so a lot of groups rent it out, and some of those activities are open to nonmembers.”
Even though Loon Lake offers activities for people who are not involved in 4-H, Pearce said she strongly encourages people to become involved with the program.
“It’s a really great program,” she said. “I hear people say they’re bored or their kids are bored, but 4-H gives you the opportunity to do all sorts of things, and you can’t be bored with everything it offers.”
Registration for Cloverbud Camp is $100 for one youth camper and one adult and $45 for additional attendees. Camp runs June 7 through 9. For more information, contact the Lake County Extension Office at 676-4271 or go to
For more information on Loon Lake Camp, go online to or call 837-1246.
Reporter Melissa Walther may be reached at 758-4474 or by email at