Fly-fishing film comes to Whitefish
Ravenwood Outdoor Learning Center hosts a feature-length fly-fishing film, “Waypoints,” Friday in Whitefish.
“Waypoints” is the fourth feature-length film by Bozeman-based Confluence Films.
Starting with the release of “Drift” in 2008, “Rise” in 2009 and “Connect” in 2011, Confluence Films has always offered early screenings of their films to entities and organizations that were willing to screen the films in the right venues in a professional, high-quality manner, and give a large portion of the proceeds back to a local conservation entity or project. Through this program, Confluence has helped raise close to $200,000 for conservation with their first three films over the past five years.
Filming for “Waypoints” took place on St. Brandon’s Atoll in the Indian Ocean, in the jungles of Venezuela for payara, in Patagonian Chile, in India and Nepal for Golden Mahseer and in Southeast Alaska for spring steelhead.
As with the first three movies, the new film project is the result of a partnership by director and cinematographer Chris Patterson of Warren Miller Entertainment and executive producer and writer Jim Klug of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures.
Anglers featured in the new film include Dan “Rooster” Leavens, Oliver White, Chris Yrazabal, Greg Bricker, Brett Seng, Jeff Currier, Wil Flack, Travis Peterson and the guides of Flycastaway of South Africa.
The film will be shown at 7 p.m. Friday at the Whitefish Moose Lodge, 230 10th St. W.
Doors open at 6 p.m. for social hour, drinks and snacks.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Genesis Kitchen in Whitefish. Tickets also are available online at
Tickets will be available at the door, but seating is limited, so early purchase is recommended.
Proceeds benefit Ravenwood Outdoor Learning Center youth programs.
For more information, visit or call Brett at 260-8620.