Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Senators don't represent voters

by John Mello
| November 23, 2013 9:00 PM

As Montanans, hold to certain basic ideals and values instilled in us by the individuals who first settled this great state — hard work, self-reliance, accountability for one’s actions, and freedom. We expect those who represent us to hold these same values and ideals.

Sens. Tester and Baucus seem to have forgotten where they came from and have become addicted to the opiate of Washington politics and business as usual.

Under their watch, more Americans than ever before in this nation’s history have left the work force and joined the ranks of welfare and entitlements. Government, under their watch, has become more intrusive; finding its way into every facet of our daily lives. Sens. Tester and Baucus have stood idly by while banking, auto, education and health-care industries have fallen under the government yoke; all the while telling us that this is good for America.

They are members of a party that has become extremely proficient at the “blame game” and at spreading propaganda. The lack of accountability in Washington is criminal; not one senior official has ever held accountable for “Fast and Furious,” Benghazi, IRS targeting, NSA data collection or the recent failed launching of the Obamacare website!

The wheels are beginning to come off of the Democratic propaganda machine as scandal after scandal comes to light. Our senators have allowed  the vilification of conservatism by failing to denounce those who use the term “racist” to cover dissent arising over failed government policies or demands for accountability.

Where were they when the government sought to break the slowdown by inflicting pain upon the American people? Using threats of withholding Social Security payment and military paychecks, our government waged a war of wills against its citizens. Social Security has become the world’s largest Ponzi scheme after lawmakers misappropriated those funds for their own pet purposes, emptying the trust held for seniors. Soldiers in war zones had more on their minds besides surviving combat; they also had to worry about the survival of their families… disgraceful!

These authors and proponents of Obamacare have exempted themselves from the very law they supported. They claim entitlement to the $10,800 government subsidies for their health care while collecting $174,000 in salaries. Laws should apply to all American equally; no one should be exempt regardless of their position or status.

Seems our senators have forgotten the ethics and morals held by most Montanans and have been lured by the siren song of government power and entitlement. They no longer represent our interests in Washington; rather they represent the interests of BIG government. It’s time for every Montanan to search their hearts; do we really want these people representing us?

Mello is a resident of Kila.