Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tree toucher given stern warning

| September 21, 2013 9:00 PM

A wacky woman reported singing and dancing in the park, not talking straight, and touching trees “sexually” was warned by a Kalispell Police Department officer that if he or any other officers had to make contact with her again over her actions, she would be arrested.

A man had to be transported to the police station so he could shower pepper spray out of his eyes after a fight on Cheery Lynn Road. The man said someone came after him first, so he went after them with a riot stick, and then someone used the pepper spray on him.

A woman reported her husband got a little too drunk and out of control at a birthday party on Zimmerman Road, choking out one of her friends. The people involved were separated and no one wanted to press charges.

A man was reported walking up the hill toward Woodland Avenue holding what looked like a gun in his hand. Passersby reported he was standing in the bushes when they pulled up the hill, then stepped out when they passed. They reported that it looked as if he was holding the gun and then maybe tucked it into his pants.

A Three Mile Drive dog owner reported a neighbor’s dog broke through the fence and went after a dog that had just given birth to a litter of puppies. The resident’s roommate yelled at the dog so it ran away, but reported the offending dog could still get back in.

A Third Avenue West woman asked for a phone call from an officer because she was having an issue with her property’s prior owner and wanted to give the officer a “heads up” about what was going on.

A woman reported to be begging for money on Third Avenue East North with a dog and a sign was found to not be violating the city’s panhandling ordinance.

An employee of a U.S. 93 South business called for a welfare check on a woman sitting in the grass at a nearby intersection, yelling at cars and acting like she was either drunk or on drugs. A responding officer reported the woman had sobered up enough to walk and was continuing on her way.

An officer responded to a report of a man with a blow torch setting tires of vehicles on fire in an East Idaho Street Parking lot, but a responding officer found neither the man nor damage to any vehicles that he could see.

A man was asked to leave a U.S. 93 South bar after punching the DJ.

A pair of cyclists had to jump off their bicycles into a ditch along Third Avenue East due to a car running them off the road.

A Whitefish Police Department officer was called out to a grocery on Baker Avenue shortly before 2 a.m. Saturday for a report of an intoxicated pedestrian, called in by another person who also sounded very drunk and hung up on a dispatcher. Upon arriving at the scene, the officer reported everyone in the area was an intoxicated pedestrian at the time, and asked for the call to be closed.

A pair of men were reported walking through a construction site on O’Brien Avenue, tipping over cones and throwing things around.

A loud party on Iowa Avenue drew police twice. Both times, officers advised the revelers to turn down their music and to be mindful of their neighbors.

A group of 10 possibly drunk people in dark clothing were reported weaving back and forth, not steady on their feet, as they walked down East Edgewood Drive.

An upset Outback owner contacted police after his Subaru was struck on East Second Street by a passing street sweeper.

A woeful woman reported that she lost a $12,000 diamond necklace and needed a police report for her insurance or in case it showed up in a pawn shop.

A man in a cowboy hat was reported walking down U.S. 93 West asking for marijuana. An officer responded and searched the man, who had nothing illegal in his possession. He was advised to cut it out.

Someone left a rented car parked on the lawn of a U.S. 93 West business in front of a tree.

The Columbia Falls Police Department received a pair of calls following a dispute between a woman and her son on Ninth Avenue East North.

The first call came from the mother, who reported she and her son had gotten into an argument about him being drunk, and he hit her before leaving on foot. She was also found to be very drunk, and after providing a written statement was told to come in to talk to an officer the next day when she was sober.

A second call came in from a neighbor, reporting the son freaking out, yelling and throwing things around. The son reportedly smashed out a pair of windows and broke a refrigerator.