Thursday, March 06, 2025

Scouts spiff up mansion chairs

by CAROL MARINO/Daily Inter Lake
| August 16, 2014 9:00 PM

Thanks to the Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew 2933 and the Kalispell Elks Lodge, guests at the Conrad Mansion’s annual Fourth of July ice cream social celebrated in style on glistening white chairs that the Scouts refurbished.

The crew took on the job of restoring the 70 aging, folding chairs used at indoor and outdoor events at the historic mansion and former home of Charles Conrad, who platted and named the city of Kalispell.

Scouts Isiah Barnett, Sarah Hepner, Jessica Greene and Kian Saadi, under the direction of Sam Montayne, Claudia Hepner, Alan Hepner and Kari Saadi, sanded, painted and tightened the joints on all the chairs.

The paintbrushes and other supplies were provided by the Kalispell Elks Lodge and the paint was donated by Columbia Paint and Coatings. Chuck Olson Real Estate loaned the use of its office building’s basement to complete the painting since the day of the project was cool and rainy.

During the social, Flathead High School Braves football players scooped about 1,000 servings of ice cream donated by Norm’s News.

Subway, Super 1 and Pizza Hut in Whitefish all get a heartfelt thank-you from Carol Hale, who has been recovering from knee surgery since last September.

After Hale hurt her knee in an accident, an MRI showed cancer eating into the bone. She was taken to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane where pins, plates and screws were put into her knee, and she has just recently been starting to walk again.

Over the past months, Hale has called Subway regularly to order sandwiches that were delivered to her door. She also has placed grocery orders over the phone with Super 1. Employees shop for her and have them ready at the store for pick up. She also thanks Pizza Hut for going the extra mile in customer service.

Lastly, Hale gives an “A+” to her caregiver, Angela, who has helped her in so many ways throughout her recovery, from preparing food ahead of time so it’s microwave-ready to picking up her grocery orders.

Muriel Carpenter wants everyone to know how much she appreciates the longtime contributions of two well-known local music professionals.

“I would like to thank two gentlemen who continually bless our beautiful valley with the best music America has ever known,” Carpenter wrote. “Don Lawrence and his orchestra’s wonderful, big band sound, and Ron Bond, director of the Columbia Falls Community Choir. Their music is joyful and uplifting.

“If you have never heard their music, check out where they may be performing. You’ll forever be glad you did.”

Community editor Carol Marino may be reached at 758-4440 or by email at