Thursday, October 10, 2024

River City comes to Flathead High School

| February 27, 2014 10:03 AM

It's going to be a busy week for the fast-talking Harold Hill. He has to convince the residents of River City he's a gifted musician; persuade the Mayor of River City to appoint him as director of the children's band; convince the parents of River City to invest in uniforms and instruments for their young musicians; then get out of town with everyone's money before there's trouble in River City!

Flathead High School Theatre presents one of America’s most beloved musicals, “The Music Man,” March 5-8 in the David M. Hashley Theatre at FHS. Showtimes are 5 p.m. on March 5 and 7 p.m. March 6-8.

Professor Hill’s plans seem to go swimmingly until he meets Marian Paroo, the uptight librarian and only person in town immune to Harold’s massive charms. Hill’s well laid plans go awry when he falls in love with the charming Marian the librarian.  Before Harold knows it, he is leading the big parade and changing the lives of everyone in River City.

“To me, ‘Music Man’ is about the power of music to transform our lives. River City, Iowa was stuck in their petty ways until Harold Hill arrives, and unintentionally transforms not only the whole town, but his own life as well,” director Valeri McGarvey said. “We are trying to show the contrast between the drab and structured lives of the characters at the beginning of the play with how colorful life gets when music is added to their lives. We hope the costumes and lighting will highlight this contrast.”

One of the most iconic musicals in theater history, “The Music Man” is based on a story written by Willson and Franklin Lacey. The 1957 Broadway production won five Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Popular songs from the show include “Till There Was You,” “76 Trombones,” “Trouble,” and “The Wells Fargo Wagon!” Combining creative choreography with beautiful vocals, the energetic cast leads the story in song and is backed up by a talented orchestra pit led by Ellen McKenzie.  

Wendy Putzler, director of Flathead High School Theatre, has called on an artistic group of women to staff the production. Acting as musical director, McKenzie is leading both the vocals and the pit orchestra for the production. Liz Sykora, the production’s tech director and the Theatre Arts class have transformed the black box theater into small town River City, with some help from the art classes at FHS. The department has enlisted Betsy Cummings as choreographer to enhance the big dance scenes.

“I hope the audience leaves feeling uplifted, encouraged, and full of hope and joy,” McGarvey said. “Our students are just the best, and I hope the audience gets a sense of how blessed we are in Kalispell to be surrounded by so many dedicated, talented and outstanding young people!”

The cast of “The Music Man” includes Catie Henderson, Jhalen Salazar, Paige Swindle, Katie Haas, Emma Beagley, Kane Keefer, James Early, Keston Hemsley, Heidi Griffin, Stephen Zorn, Brittany Kretske, Daniel Keller, Charlotte Barton, Cody Bowen, Micah Moore, Maija Hadwin, Mackenzie Williams, Emma Sauve, Anna Milheim, Christine West, Jaymz Nixon, Eli Cornell, Serina Geames, Jade LeGassey, McKenna Miller, Kenzie Meyer, Logan Barthel, Kayli Burback, Alex Weed and Wyatt Dykuizen as Harold Hill.

Behind the scenes, Cassi Boozell, Alaina Mothershead, Sarah Carbajal, Jackson Davey, Tristin Hennessy, Alaya Wood, Brooke Wahlert, Siri Danielson, Kassara Hansen, Katie Keller and Alexandra Zografos make up the stage, lighting, publicity, props and sound crew.

The pit crew includes Kori Mooney, Lauren Vance, McKenna Miller, Marley Sande, Anthony Ramirez, Brittany Mundhenke, Mallorie Mason, Sofiya Karpina, Madison Cox, Kaitlin Williams, Katie Weed, Harrison McGillen and Lina Bishop.

Admission is $12 for adults and $10 for children, students and senior citizens. Tickets are available at the Flathead main office, Photo Video Plus and, if still available, at the door.