Monday, October 14, 2024

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| January 3, 2014 9:00 PM

A man’s inappropriate behavior drew a response from a Flathead County Sheriff’s deputy after a woman reported he passed her in his truck and said “[expletive], that girl has a nice [expletive]!” then tried to get her to come over to him, turning around several times to keep driving past her. He admitted his behavior and that it was not the right thing to do.

He was reported after passing her again later, but told the deputy this time was just coincidence. He was told to steer clear of the area and advised that his license plate was expired, so if he was caught driving it again he would be cited.

A road-rage incident left a man with a swollen eye after another man in a truck ran him off Smith Lake Road. Along with other identifying information, the victim reported the truck driven by the aggressor had novelty plastic testicles hanging from the hitch.

A good Samaritan got more than he bargained for when he stopped to assist another motorist whose car was in a ditch along Walsh Road. The man left his vehicle parked in the middle of the road with the door open, and a third passing motorist struck the door and kept driving.

The parent of a 9-year-old boy reported the boy was slapped by his aunt, requiring a trip to the emergency room as the boy was bleeding when the parent picked him up.

Three storage lockers were burglarized on Helena Flats Road, with at least one item stolen — a broken space heater.

A woman on Mountain Drive in Hungry Horse declined medical assistance after being punched in the face multiple times during a fight.

Several horses caused traffic problems by walking down Tamarack Lane. The horses were eventually corralled and returned to their owners.

Rocks were reported falling onto U.S. 93 south of Lakeside. A responding deputy removed several rocks from the road and said the rock wall was coming down.

A man was arrested on Jellison Road for partner or family member assault.

A South Woodland Drive resident reported a man keeps trespassing onto the property.

Half a tank of fuel was siphoned from a vehicle on Ninth Street West near Columbia Falls.

A 16-foot cargo trailer full of tools was stolen on Trumble Creek Loop.

A passerby contacted the Kalispell Police Department after noticing someone had kicked in the door to a North Meridian Road shop before seeing a man exit the building, noting that he was barefoot and not wearing pants.

A man was arrested after hitting his wife in the face and sending her to the hospital.

A man called to speak with an officer after calling and threatening a man at the hospital who he claimed was married with children but was having sex with the caller’s daughter.

A pair of girls and a boy were released to their parents after being stopped on 11th Street East in the evening.

Either blood or red paint was reported smeared on the inside of the tunnel on Grandview Drive under U.S. 93.

An old man was counseled after he was reported for repeatedly digging through a Dumpster in an alley off Fifth Avenue West.

A report of a woman yelling at an elderly, handicapped male and belittling him on Heritage Way turned out to be a woman re-enacting a prior heated conversation she had with an employee at work for the man.

An injured turkey was reported in the company of three other turkeys on Woodland Avenue, but they had moved on by the time an officer arrived.

Several people were advised of park rules and told to move along after being seen playing on the ice in Woodland Park after midnight.

A woman reported that another woman choked her on First Avenue West within the last week.

More than 20 feet of cable was stolen from a truck on U.S. 93 North.

The Whitefish Police Department received a report of three drunken women fighting in front of a Central Avenue bar after a woman called her mom to say other women were trying to beat her up.

A “real problem” was reported with people sledding in a park in the area off Ramsey Avenue, causing traffic congestion and other problems.

A woman ran out of a U.S. 93 South store with a $100 sweatshirt after punching the owner.

A mistaken customer was reported to the Columbia Falls Police Department after an employee believed the man, who was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and a bandana over his face, was considering robbing the store. It turned out the man was a regular who had just come in out of the rain and wind.

Officers responded to a 12th Avenue West property after a man with a history of violent behavior kicked in the door and assaulted two women, punching one in the face, leaving her bleeding from her nose and a split lip, and throwing a picture frame at another woman. He fled before police arrived.

A girl and her boyfriend left the police station on foot after her mother took her to the station, believing she was drunk and wanting help for her. It was determined that there was nothing wrong with the daughter.

A man was arrested, cited and released to his wife after being stopped by an officer on 12th Avenue West when the officer noted front-end damage to the vehicle he had been driving.

A Fourth Avenue West resident contacted police after a drunken woman from next door showed up, crying and being belligerent, saying she was locked out of her apartment.

A Beth Road woman reported that she was continuing to receive obscene phone calls from a suspicious male.

A pair of loose horses were reported running down Sandy Court and along railroad tracks before they were eventually rounded up.