Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A passion for tango

by StoryPhotos Brenda Ahearn
| January 11, 2014 9:00 PM


<p><strong>Tango instructors</strong> Lori Mitchell and Patrick Marsolek share a laugh during a pre-class warmup before a Jan. 5 class at Flathead Health and Fitness in Kalispell. The next tango class is scheduled for Feb. 2.   </p><div> </div>


<p>Dwight Bergeron dances with Kathy Britton during the beginners tango class.</p><div> </div>


<p>Peter Stoll and Mitchell dance in class at Flathead Fitness.</p><div> </div>

Two tango instructors from Missoula have been working to increase the number of dancers and enthusiasts in Northwest Montana, and their work is starting to pay off in the Flathead Valley.

The first Sunday of every month Patrick Marsolek and his wife, Lori Mitchell, of Missoula can be found at Flathead Health and Fitness offering tango classes for beginning and intermediate dancers. The classes are $10 each; a partner is not required.

For Peter Stoll of Kalispell, the tango lessons are the realization of a dream that started in 1966. Following college Stoll served with the Peace Corps in Bolivia along the border of Argentina. As part of his cultural instruction, Stoll was introduced to a bit of tango music and was “hooked right from start.”

“I’ve collected the music all my life, always with the intention of trying to learn to dance. But I was never around where anyone was teaching,” Stoll said. “Then out of the blue Patrick and Lori show up and I thought ‘I’ve got to give this a try.’

“I was always waiting for tango, it just wasn’t there.”

Kathy Britton of Kalispell is another tango student. 

“Argentine tango is a totally different dance from ballroom tango,” Britton said. “I do both, but my passion is Argentine.

“Argentine tango isn’t structured, it’s improvised and creative, and requires me to be completely focused on my partner and alive in the moment. It’s great exercise for my mind and body and helps keep me active and involved with many friends old and new.”

Britton has been taking classes for nearly a year. 

“We are so lucky to have Patrick and Lori come up here and do this. They are really devoted to tango,” Britton said.

For those interested in learning Argentine tango, the next round of classes begins Feb. 2 at Flathead Health and Fitness. Kathy Britton said there is also a practice every Sunday at the Gateway West Mall where class members go over what they learned each month and work on their basics.

For those willing to travel, there is also a dance the first Saturday of every month in Missoula. The Tango Milonga  begins with an introductory lesson starting at 8 p.m. followed by the dance from 9 p.m. to midnight.

The dance is $10 per person or $16 per couple and takes place at The Brick Room at the Downtown Dance Collective in Missoula.

For more information on taking classes in Kalispell contact Patrick Marsolek at (406) 443-3439 or Kathy Britton at 752-9642.