Thursday, October 10, 2024

Helpful ride home not appreciated

| January 17, 2014 9:00 PM

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office responded to a Northwoods Drive home after a good Samaritan picked up a drunk man and gave him a ride home. The man — who was bleeding after having fallen on the ice — was unable to get into his home, however, and then became belligerent and started spitting on the helpful motorist. When the deputy arrived, the man was lying under the back porch. The deputy was able to help the man get into his home.

A worried woman reported a man had called more than 600 times since Sunday, that the man had threatened to beat up her father and that he had already been warned to stop calling. The man is on probation for sexual assault.

A dangerous driver was reported on U.S. 2 East in Coram, speeding and trying to pass in a no-passing zone near Marias Pass, finally passing another vehicle, nearly hitting a semi-trailer and almost losing control of the vehicle in the process.

A dog was transported to the animal shelter after a person was reported chasing it down Phanco Lane and shooting at it with a BB gun. A nearby resident caught the dog and kept it at her home until an animal control officer picked it up. The dog was found to be unharmed.

A group of people with flashlights, said to be breaking into buildings on the north side of a Montclair Drive recycling business, were found to be breaking up pallets for firewood. They were advised to move along.

An attempted burglary was reported on Silver Leaf Drive, where someone cut a perfect circle in one side of a double-paned window and left a boot print in the ground below.

A female employee at a U.S. 2 East business in Coram reported receiving several telephone calls from a man at an Escondido, Calif., number using extremely graphic sexual language.

The employee of a U.S. 2 East business asked for a deputy to move along a drunk man who was turned away when he tried to buy alcohol before vomiting in front of the store.

A North Springwood Road resident reported someone, possibly a neighbor, came into the house and stole a diamond.

The owner of several wandering horses showed up to herd them back home after they were reported running down Broken Wheel Loop.

A now-missing meandering motorist drove through a fence and into a field along Egan Slough Road.

A bald, bearded brew lover stole a case of beer from a U.S. 2 West store.

A Sandy River Way resident received a “really strange email,” possibly a fraud attempt.

A problem with youths breaking into a room was reported at a U.S. 2 East property.

Someone slashed the tires of a vehicle on Bison Drive.

A Kalispell Police Department officer arrested a man for violating his probation after the man reported he was attacked in his Fourth Avenue West garage. He told police someone jumped him without a weapon, but the officer reported the assault may or may not have happened and that the man may have fallen only because he fell down. The officer said the investigation may continue once the man sobered up.

A vigilant citizen reported a man and woman selling marijuana out of a window at a U.S. 93 South property after witnessing the activity and overhearing a man bragging about selling drugs in the past.

A man was advised not to return to a First Avenue West low-income apartment building after it was reported that he wanted police to meet him at the building or he would “tear the place up.”

A man was advised to stay off the road after he was reported standing in the middle of the intersection of Cemetery Road and U.S. 93 South carrying a duffel bag and holding a sign.

An officer transported a very drunk man to a low-income apartment building after he was reported kicking trash cans and yelling on U.S. 93 South.

A bearded man in a blue satin sports coat carrying a big brown bag was reported being disorderly on First Avenue East.

A report of a mother on methamphetamine at a Grandview Drive home turned out to be unfounded.

A man was permanently banned from a U.S. 93 North home improvement store.

Someone damaged a mailbox on Sherry Lane.

A man first reported to the Whitefish Police Department for driving with a child sitting on the floor in a vehicle on East Second Street and later for panhandling on U.S. 93 South was found to have a felony warrant out of Florida for probation violation and cocaine charges.

The owner of a vehicle — initially believed to have slid off the road on Woodside Lane but later found to just have been parked very badly — revealed the cause: “His wife did it!”

An officer was flagged down on Baker Avenue to check on a drunk man who it turned out was waiting for a ride home.

An Edgewood Place woman shared her thanks for the increased patrols around her home while she was out of town.

A motorist was arrested during a traffic stop on East Fourth Street.