Saturday, March 29, 2025

Timber Ridge subdivision tops Whitefish agenda

by The Daily Inter Lake
| July 7, 2014 6:15 AM

A proposal for a 15-lot subdivision on Haugen Heights Road is among five public hearings on tonight’s Whitefish City Council agenda.

Whitefish West Limited Partnership is seeking preliminary plat approval for the 15-lot Timber Ridge development. Last month the Planning Board was unable to pass a recommendation either for or against the project because two board members were absent.

During the Planning Board hearing it was discovered the developer plans single-family homes on the west side of the 4.4-acre subdivision and duplexes on the east side. 

However, the staff report and portions of the application indicated the subdivision would be single-family homes only. Some board members were concerned about the discrepancy, but others acknowledged the zoning allows duplexes.

The city planning staff recommends approval of Timber Ridge.

A public hearing will be held to consider a name change for a portion of West 15th Street between Baker and Flathead avenues to June’s Way in honor of North Valley Food Bank founder June Munski-Feenan, who died in January.

The council will consider a proposed fee schedule for buying space in a new columbarium at the Whitefish Cemetery. The fees range from $750 to $1,100 with a $150 charge for a second urn in a single vault. The city spent just over $29,000 to buy and install the columbarium as a way of providing additional space in the cemetery. There are 40 vaults available.

A hearing will be held on a conditional-use permit request from Greg Eaton of EDM Development to build a five-plex on O’Brien Avenue.

Elk Highlands is asking for a two-year extension to the Wapiti Woods final plat on Big Mountain.

The council will discuss a proposed countywide special district for 911 funding and a possible resolution in support of the district. Also under consideration is a proposed commitment to reduce the city’s property tax mill levy by about 7 mills one year from now if voters approve the special district.

A work session starting at 5 p.m. will look at a future financial plan and cash-flow statement for the city’s tax increment finance district. Also on the work session agenda is an update on the downtown master plan.

The regular meeting starts at 7:10 p.m.; both meetings are at Whitefish City Hall.