Monday, October 14, 2024

Is the money really for grandma?

| July 10, 2014 8:11 PM

A woman told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office that a young girl had knocked on her door on Shady Lane and asked her for money for her sick grandma. The nice woman gave the little girl a couple of dollars, then witnessed her walk up to an older male with long, shaggy hair. The man asked the little girl if she had gotten any money from the house. Two other children were traveling with the group, including one boy with a green cast on his arm. 

Deputies checked on an abandoned house reportedly full of cats Wednesday on U.S. 93 South. The house may have been abandoned, but the cats weren’t. The officers found three cats with three large dishes of food.

A suspicious vehicle that hadn’t moved since Monday and occasionally had a man sleeping in it was reported. The Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department reported the vehicle, which had a large pile of empty nasal decongestant wrappers and multiple pairs of soiled adult underwear. Officers contacted the owner of the vehicle and he moved on.

Mischievous criminals smashed a car window on Lakeside Boulevard and stole about $50 in cash, the owner’s wallet, credit cards, and passport.

A woman riding her horse on Derns Road said she was shot at by a man driving his pickup down the road next to her land. 

A man was concerned because someone was flying a drone over his house on Montana 206 on Tuesday night and he found it creepy. He wanted to know what laws were in place regarding drones with cameras.

A family in Whitefish had a dead bat on their property that may have come in contact with the family cat.

A report of Craigslist fraud was received Wednesday in Lakeside, the second in the area this week. A man from Butte sent the reporting woman a check and, on the advice of her bank teller, she cashed it. The woman now has a negative account balance in the amount of the check.

Officers responded to a dispute between neighbors on Hidden Valley Drive. One neighbor had apparently told the other that if his animals got out, he would shoot them.

Neighbors and police escorted an elderly woman with dementia home.

A man at a location on U.S. 93 South pulled a muskrat out of his pool and called to find out what to do with it. If we find out, we will pass the information along to anyone else who has the same problem.

Two subjects were seen racing around the neighborhood, doing burn-outs, and driving through yards in a golf cart on Buffalo Stage.

A woman on Trumbull Canyon Road reported a grizzly bear in her garage.

Kalispell Police were notified about a man living on Foy’s Lake Road who had just dumped all of the sewage from his camper into the stream that runs through his property Wednesday.

Two men set up camp illegally behind a location on Fourth Avenue East North near the railroad tracks. 

A mother duck and her ducklings were crossing U.S. 93 South near Lions Park, causing a traffic hazard Thursday. The reporting party then called back and said that the daring ducks were escorted safely to the park, where they nestled down for the day.

Columbia Falls Police responded to a call of a woman urinating in the bushes Wednesday.

A man reportedly screamed at his neighbor’s daughter for spraying his own daughter with a hose on Zephyr Court.