Friday, October 11, 2024

Restrained bar patron begs to differ

| June 10, 2014 8:15 PM

A man called the Kalispell Police Department to complain that he had been kicked out of a local bar because his girlfriend told the bartender she had a restraining order against him despite the fact that he had never been served with the order.

A cat was determined to be the prime suspect after a pair of neighbors on Liberty Street reported screens missing off some of their windows.

A woman who “dined and dashed” from a South Main Street restaurant after racking up a $50 tab was later found, at which point she promised to pay the bill by noon on Tuesday.

A landlord reported some of his tenants on 10th Street West refused to pay their rent and shoved him down some stairs.

A Two Mile Drive resident reported a strange man was trying to get into the front door of the home early Tuesday morning, but eventually left.

A pair of pint-holding panhandlers were reported sitting on a Hutton Ranch Road curb and getting in the way of traffic.

A man was arrested for banging on doors and windows at his ex-girlfriend’s Ponderosa Street home, trying to get in.

Someone cut the fuel line to a moving van parked on North Meridian Road and siphoned gas from the vehicle.

A Fifth Avenue West resident found a used hypodermic needle while mowing.

A man was reported screaming in a North Meridian Road parking lot.

An unknown trickster egged a passing vehicle on U.S. 93 North.

 An aggressive bull was reported to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office after it was seen walking in a ditch along Columbia Falls Stage Road toward Bad Rock. It also managed to get inside a fenced area with another resident’s cattle. The bull’s owner was eventually located and collected the wayward animal.

A deputy apprehended a black-clad man with a dollar bill on his shirt who was going through vehicles on Montana 40 West. The man, who was cooperative but acting drunk or high, was dropped off at another location.

A concerned Lakeside resident reported a fawn had been born next to her fence but the mother had run off. A dispatcher assured the resident that the mother would return.

The Whitefish Police Department received two reports of bears in less than two hours Monday. A cub was seen running in a field along U.S. 93 South, then a larger bear was reported running in traffic on JP Road, but no bear was found in the area.

A report of a possible underage drinking party on Patton Lane required officers to get a search warrant before being able to enter the home, where a man was cited for being a minor in possession of an intoxicant and also advised of his warrant.

A deer managed to walk away after taking a sport-utility vehicle out of commission on U.S. 93 South.