Friday, October 11, 2024

The case of the double-booked pavilion

| June 21, 2014 11:01 PM

A frustrated woman, who had booked a pavilion at Lawrence Park, was annoyed to find it occupied by someone who had also booked it. The woman reported to the Kalispell Police Department that the booking paperwork, “says to call the KPD if the pavilion is occupied when they arrive and the other party refuses to leave.” The woman was advised that is only the case if the other party did not have a booking. Police were advised the two parties would share the pavilion.

A car wash employee reported a car hit an object then pulled into the business when a man jumped out of the vehicle yelling, “he is killing me,” and “he has a gun.” The vehicle then followed the man down street. The driver later reported from Third Avenue East that his passenger had become irritated and attacked him, causing him to wreck his vehicle.

A storage container fully engulfed in flames behind a North Meridian Road business was reported. Adding fuel to the fire, the water department had to be called when a fire hydrant broke. It was also reported that a transient had been living in the storage container.

A very thirsty man reportedly shoved two beers into his pocket and walked out of a First Avenue East store before running down an alley, into a garage.

A suspicious man sitting in a stairwell of a U.S. Highway 93 business was reported screaming and threatening to kill someone. The man was left in hospital care for a mental health evaluation.

Kalispell Police Department received a report that six rooms at a hotel on U.S. 93 were burgled.

A brand new, black and neon-pink bike was reported stolen from First Avenue East.

A grandmother called from North Meridian Road to report her grandson’s Mongoose bicycle was stolen.

Approximately eight juveniles were reported grinding down rails of a church on Third Avenue East.

A citizen on Second Avenue East required assistance after an argument with a neighbor for the return of a crib mattress.

A manager of a North Main Street restaurant attempted to stall a rude man, who appeared to have been drinking in the drive-through to call police. The man then pulled into the parking lot, stumbled into the restaurant for his food and left.

Five to six males tried to pick a fight and wouldn’t let a man leave in his vehicle on U.S. 93. The gang eventually walked away from the man, who was standing with his five friends.

An unruly man was reported hitting and trying to choke a woman on U.S. 93. The woman was later seen with the male on the ground before two other men arrived on the scene.

An incoherent, “extremely intoxicated, older gentleman” was reported to have possibly fallen and had defecated in the shower of an East Idaho Street establishment.

A woman reported that a suspicious person tried to take a child from a daycare on First Avenue West.

A dismayed East Second Street resident reported a burglary to Whitefish Police Department stating that a window was broken, there was blood and a cigarette on the floor. 

Three rambunctious boys on bicycles seen on a Miles Avenue bridge were reported by a concerned citizen who thought they might jump off the bridge.

A man in his early 20s walking with a dog was almost shot by a surprised resident on Kalispell Avenue after the man, who had been drinking, walked through a Kalispell Avenue residence “looking for his other dog.”

After a night on the town, a woman on Baker Avenue called to report that her vehicle was towed or missing. After walking around downtown, the vehicle was eventually located next to a bar. The woman said she would pick up her keys at the police station at a later time.

Columbia Falls Police Department received a report that an 8-foot-tall ornament, which was bolted to the deck of a First Avenue East home, was stolen.