Sunday, October 06, 2024

Delgado for HD 93

by Jim Cook
| May 13, 2014 9:00 PM

By far the best candidate for House District 93 is Mr. Frank Delgado.  He is a family man, a defender of private property rights, and a hard-working, compassionate businessman. I am proud to give him my vote.

I am confident that if I have an opinion on any issue, that Mr. Delgado will respectfully listen to and take my views seriously and into consideration, even if they differ from his own. Unlike his opponent, I know that Frank would never use a newspaper to publically call out and criticize a constituent by name, arrogantly dismiss individuals who have different opinions than his own, or publically call his constituents names or roll his eyes at them. This kind of behavior — being unbecoming of a state representative — would never show itself in any action, comment, news story, or public comment of Frank Delgado.  

Honest representation means just that — honesty in fairly, accurately, and respectively representing your constituents.  Proposing useful legislation that protects rather than offends property rights or civil rights. Understanding that when the oath of office is taken to “protect and defend the U.S. and Montana Constitutions … against all enemies foreign and domestic,” it means something and isn’t just window dressing.  

I’d like my representative to have the courage to educate his constituents on the issues he’s working on, and I expect my representative to know what he’s talking about.

I know Frank Delgado. He is THE choice for House District 93.  Give him your support, and he will return it ten-fold.

Jim Cook is a resident of St. Ignatius