Zinke needs to answer questions
Former Naval Commander Ryan Zinke of SEAL Team Six has captured my imagination. With Congress not getting the job done it is easy to gravitate to someone with Mr. Zinke’s credentials as a proven, tough and respected leader. Good start, but I still have questions.
• Having spent his adult life traveling with the military, does Mr. Zinke have an understanding of Montana’s people and the evolution of the industries that have supported those people?
• With no “swift boat” testimonials to date, I can deduce that he probably has the natural authority to motivate his team to accomplish the mission. Given his rank, I am quite sure he has pleased his superiors. My question is will he represent team Montana within the constraints of the Constitution or will he look up to his superiors in Congress for his marching orders?
• In war the Constitution, personal rights and liberties and much of what we take for granted is set aside by the military objective. Top down success of the military objective is achievable only by respect for the chain of command. SEAL Team Six meets its goals under the cloak of extremely covert conditions, the details of which we will never know. Will Mr. Zinke put government control above individual rights when voting on sensitive issues like the NSA data mining scandal?
• By the way… I have yet to hear his voice in his political ads or any other media for that matter. It would be good to hear him speak. How about letting us know your stand on amnesty for illegal aliens?
Mr. Zinke, thank you for your service. I pray that whoever wins this seat in Congress derives his representative power from the people of Montana, his focus on answers found in the Constitution and his commitment to the oath of office.
David E. Mosby, Kalispell