Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Lion and the lamb: Who are you going to protect?

| August 5, 2015 8:44 PM

I have read that many of the major airlines have made a key management decision to not transport trophy body parts of animals killed in the African jungles. The media is in full throttle mode reporting on this great decision. I have noticed in articles in the electronic media that there are thousands of folks commenting who are also so excited about this change. All of this because of one lion allegedly killed outside of the law.

Now let’s draw an analogy to the transport of aborted human baby body parts. No doubt Planned Parenthood uses any means available including airlines to transport these parts around the country and perhaps around the world. One can assume these human remains need special attention such as refrigeration and special handling and time is of the essence. So the transport companies are willing and complicit participants to this evil enterprise.

All of you folks who are outraged over the lion — one lion — where is your outrage over the killing of babies inside and outside of the womb and then harvesting body parts for sale to the highest bidder? These are human beings. This could have been you when you were pre-born. Where is your outrage?

Planned Parenthood killed 300,000 babies last year — 300,000 babies versus one lion. Get the picture?! Do something about this slaughter of innocent babies. Talk to your senators and representatives. End this carnage. Make a statement to the media. Call the airlines. Together we can create change.

When will the airlines commit to not transporting human baby organs? —John O’Neil, Kalispell