Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: Fair and balanced? Questions Fox can ask Hillary

| August 12, 2015 9:21 PM

Here are a few direct questions that Megyn Kelly should ask Hillary Clinton, just to keep the questions fair to all presidential candidates:

1) How will you handle your husband’s infidelity if you become president?

2) Do you have any ill feelings for Congress as a result of you being fired from a congressional committee?

3) Why did you not immediately hand over all emails when issues arose?

4) Do you believe that traitors to the U.S. should be dealt with severely and quickly?

5) Why did you not react to Benghazi to save American lives?

6) Are you still involved with the Black Panther movement?

7) Why are your female employees not paid a comparable wage to the men on staff?

8) Do you believe that abortions should continue on innocent babies and that convicted criminals who have committed heinous acts against people remain alive?

9) How ignorant do you believe that a majority of the American voters, legal and illegal, really are?

10) How far above the average American citizen do you place yourself?

11) Should candidates run due to experience and not by race, religion and genitalia?

Anyway you get the picture that the media and big money does in fact dictate election outcomes by the coverage they provide! Yes the “Wizard of Oz” must be alive and active in the booth controlling the outcomes not only now but for the future as well! So sad! —Ron Albrecht, Whitefish