Saturday, May 18, 2024

LETTER: No special rules needed for LGBTs

| August 12, 2015 9:24 PM

I see the school district wants to create special rules for what they must consider a special group or groups of students.

One of the things considered, what they call gender expression, to my way of thinking could mean that a girl who is butch could wear sleeveless undershirts to school and hang out in the male locker room and toilets, displaying her muscles and tattoos. Vice versa, for a feminine type guy, I suppose it could mean he could wear a dress to express himself as to what he thinks he is.

My point, I guess, is they can want to be whatever, or act that way, but when they drop their pants, the truth really comes out. I in no way think they should be discriminated against or made fun of but the truth is what it is and they are not special and don’t deserve special rules. I would think existing rules as to bullying, if enforced, should be enough.

My understanding of the word normal or the term “the norm” means the majority or the  standard — how that would apply to LGBTs I leave to the reader to decide. I saw Sonny and Cher’s daughter Chastity on TV and she calls herself Chaz now. The fact that she had her breasts removed, wears sleeveless undershirts, got a ton of tattoos, doesn’t shave her legs and takes testosterone and calls herself another kind of man really does not change the facts when it comes to the equipment, and the same goes for Bruce Jenner.

I think it’s wrong for the school district to encourage by special rules this behavior. —Glen Hook, Kalispell