Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tenant thinks landlord enters at night

| August 13, 2015 8:30 PM

A renter told Columbia Falls Police she was worried that her landlord was entering her part of the house without permission. She said she first noticed that her baby’s things were moved around, so she put up trail cameras and reportedly caught her landlord entering while she slept. The landlord later called police to report she was having problems with her tenant.

Police had trouble serving a restraining order on Seventh Street West. The recipient refused to sign the paperwork.

An alleged drunken driver had a 0.340 BAC, according to a report. That’s more than four times the legal limit. The driver was arrested.

There was a report of a man climbing a power pole on Second Avenue East North “with a large ladder.” A witness asked the man what he was doing, to which he replied, “Mind your own business.”

A Grand Fir Trail resident made a startling accusation. The caller claimed that a neighbor’s dog had killed 22 ducks in four days, according to a Flathead County Sheriff’s Office report.

A resident on Plentywood Drive complained that his landlord was plugged into his utility pole and was stealing electricity. An investigation revealed that the landlord owned a garage on the property, which shared power with the tenant.

Mailboxes along Walker Meadow Road were reportedly damaged.

Deputies picked up a few luggage carriers that were left near the Rails to Trails system. They lacked any ID tags and were taken to the sheriff’s office.

There was a “shaggy dog” found near Ninth Street West in Columbia Falls. No other description was given and county animal control was asked to assist.

Someone at a U.S. 2 property told the sheriff’s office that a vehicle was stolen earlier in the week. It re-appeared on Thursday.

Long after the Fourth of July, fireworks reports persist. This time, they were called in from Lake Blaine Drive. Unfortunately fire conditions remain dangerous, just as they were during the Fourth of July fireworks ban.

A sport utility vehicle was reported stolen from a U.S. 2 home. According to the owner, it was unlocked and the keys were in the ignition.

Neighbors felt that a thief might have been afoot near Linderhof Drive. One of them called to request extra patrols.

Someone called in a car that had a “large group” of people standing around it near U.S. 2. The caller claimed that the people were swapping backpacks.

A Jellison Road resident gave chase to a pickup that was apparently being suspicious around his home. The suspect driver turned off the headlights during the nighttime chase and was not found by law enforcement.

A parent claimed that some adults got her daughter drunk and “gave her a pill to snort.” The daughter was puking when the mother showed up.

One person smelled smoke while driving on U.S. 2, then investigated and saw a column of smoke behind a U.S. 2 business. It turned out to be a smoldering stump. The witness called the authorities to report the fire, which he thought might have been caused by a discarded cigarette. Responding deputies used fire extinguishers to put out the sparks.

A shoplifter who was caught at a U.S. 93 business was being very cooperative, according to a report. The woman followed a Whitefish Police Department officer to the station.

A Stumptown Loop woman told police that another woman was “out of control again” but also still lying in bed.

A man drove into a deer on U.S. 93. He reported that he had glass all over himself, but he wasn’t cut. His car was heavily damaged, however.